{ trapped }

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Athena didn't know how long she had been stuck in this god forsaken box. A long time, that was for sure. Enough to drive her more than a little crazy; she hadn't shifted since they'd first stuffed her in here with three other people.

Athena had been the first of the four of them to regain consciousness and, in her panicked state, hadn't even thought of checking out who she was with.

If she had she wouldn't have been so shocked when she first heard her sister's voice.

It had rung out loud and clear and pierced straight through the cloud of despair Athena had sunk into.


Her fist hit the wall again, pain spread through her arm like poison but she didn't stop.


How could she have let herself be caught like that? She wasn't paying attention to her surroundings and she had payed the price for that.


God, she wished she could block out the voices from her past. It wasn't the first time she had heard her sister's commanding voice, or her mother's gentle tones. Athena was constantly drifting between now and the past, stuck in her mind with ghosts from Before that refused to leave her alone. She had learned they went away if she ignored them for long enough.

"Athena, look at me damnit!"

Athena paused her attack on the wall momentarily, that was new. They didn't usually directly talk to her, they just repeated phrases that they used to say Before. At it's worst a memory would play out in front of her as if it were happening right then, but even that wasn't like this.

Athena slowly pivoted on her heel. Fists still clenched and teeth bared in a threatening manner.

She had turned expecting to see a blurry figure of her 12 year old sister. Instead she was met with a towering 18 year old, made of sharp lines and deep shadows, not blurry at all.

Her teeth were bared just like Athena's and her eyes shone brilliantly gold in the dark cell.

Athena's guard dropped, allowing her eyes to roam over the person in front of her, searching for any sign that this was just a highly realistic hallucination. There were none.

"Cora?" Athena's voice came out soft and timid - not at all how she wanted it to.

"Yeah," Cora muttured, her own guard dropping as well. "It's me."

Athena felt tears prick her eyes, that wasn't okay, she hadn't cried in 5 years, she would not start now.

"No." She shook her head, "no, you died along with everyone else in that fire."

Athena refused to believe it. She couldn't accept the fact that her sister had been alive this entire time, not when she'd mourned the death's of her family long ago and learned how to live with the pain.

"Athena, it's me," she stated gently, taking a step forward.

"No, no, no!" Athena stepped backwards, only to hit the wall she's been taking her anger out on mere minutes ago.

"You died! And I got used to that!" Athena yelled, "You can't just come back six years later and completely change everything!"

Yeah, Athena had freaked out when Cora returned from the supposed dead. Endless months locked in a cage together had forced her to grow used to the idea of family again. It was hard though, she had been on her own for so long; travelling constantly, never stopping, never letting the past catch up with her.

Well now it had definitely caught up with her, she was back in her hometown with her ex-dead sister and two beta werewolves who she'd had to grow accustomed to.

Erica and Boyd were alright. They were quiet for the most part, whispering to each other and rarely speaking to the other two betas in with them. Athena was fine with that, too much talking annoyed her.

The only thing they really discussed with each other was why they were here. Their captors kept themselves well hidden, the only one she had properly seen was a foul woman named Kali who brought food in for them once a day. She had spotted glimpses of people but knew nothing about them, which made her feel helpless and useless.

Cora had a theory that they were hunting down possible new members for their pack. She insisted that some of the more intense packs hunted down those they thought were powerful enough to join and killed whoever refused.

Athena thought that was ridiculous and that if they wanted to gain new pack members they wouldn't keep them locked up for months on end.

Many theories were swapped between the group, most of them completely illogical. But it kept them all a little saner and was a useful distraction from the nerve-wracking boredom.

Please tell me what you think!

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