{ first day }

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I'm so sorry for the wait, I have no excuse other than lack of motivation. I've probably lost all my readers from such a long hiatus but here's the next chapter!


Athena rolled off the couch with a grunt. You would think that in such a big loft there would be more than three bedrooms, but apparently not, and neither she or Cora were all that keen to share a small space together after their three months in a crammed vault. So Athena had the pleasure of staying on the couch.

Today was her first day of school and she wasn't looking forward to it. She had better things to do than sit around in stuffy classrooms full of snobby teenagers who thought they were above everyone else.

Yesterday Derek had spent most of the day out, most likely brooding in dark alley ways. Athena hadn't seen much of him, but she'd seen enough to know  that he was okay and her wounds finally started to heal with the knowledge.

While their brother was out, Cora, Stiles and Athena grilled Peter on Derel's past. Athena had heard the story of Paige only once before, but not in as much detail. She could just about remember when Derek was fifteen and he was completely enamoured by this girl, but she was too young to fully understand the circumstances.

It was a tragic tale and Peter told it well, but he was unreliable and Athena knew it. She had no doubt that he had twisted some of the facts in his own favour.

Athena could also remember that, while Derek was out falling in love, there was a scandal with the Argents and some of the surrounding wolf packs. Her mother would never allow the packs into their home, but she would meet regularly with them, trying to maintain the peace as she always had done. Athena admired her mom for that, sometimes she wished that she had inherited her kind nature, but she was bound to remain bitter and untrusting.

Meanwhile, Scott and Allison had visited Gerard Argent. Athena had wanted to go, but the idea was rejected by everyone who didn't want the old man to be murdered. She was annoyed about not being allowed to go, but knew that she wouldn't be able to stand being near the slimy bastard without attempting to rip his throat out.

When Scott reported back, he told them about how Deucalion wasn't completely blind - he could see when he was in wolf form. Athena shuddered at how powerful he could be with proper vision, she was glad that his sight was only temporary.

Whilst thinking about all the things that had happened recently, she pulled on her clothes. Aiming to make an entrance, she dressed in black skinny jeans, a loose top and one of Derek's many leather jackets, which was far too big for her. She had her own leather jacket (it was practically illegal to not own one in the Hale family) but on the first day of school she could do with the comfort of her brother's scent.

Throwing on a pair of sunglasses to complete the look, she was ready to go.

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