Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


(Gerard's POV)

I have no idea what to say. I mean, honestly, at this point I am so turned on I can't even speak. It's taking everything in me not to start ravishing Frank right here, right now.

Self-control, nontheless, is very important in these scenarios.

I'm trying to do everything I can not to look at Frank, because I swear to God if I do, my hormones are going to take advantage of me, and fast.

I swallow, but instead of my throat feeling relieved, I feel like I just dry swallowed a pill.


I snap out of my trance and look up as an automatic reaction.


All I see is Frank, roghly five inches away from my face, light blush covering his cheeks, heavy, erractic breathing pattern, and bangs swept slightly over his enthralling eyes. Is it just me, or are his lips a darker shade as well?

"Gee, can I tell you something?" he asks.

"Um sure," is all I can manage at this point.

I'm kind of happy though, because no one calls me Gee except for Mikey. I think it's cute, actually.

He takes a deep breath, as if trying to calm nerves.

"Okay, but please don't look at me differently after I tell you this."

I nod. "I would never look at you differently Frankie."

I'm shocked that I just said that without saying 'um' or stuttering.

"Gee, I'm depressed. Like, it's really bad though. And I self-harm as well. I have eating disorders too. My mom's bpyfriend abuses me, but she doesn't know. And I don't want to tell her because I don't want to ruin her realationship and/or her happiness. It really sucks, Gee. And I'm really glad that I met you, because you're the first thing that's made me happy in awhile."

I kind of smile at the last part, because knowing that I make him happy makes me happy.

But then, all of the other things he said start to sink in.

I frown.

"Frankie, I'm depressed too, but nothing more. So I kind of know how you feel. I'm glad I make you happy, Frankie, and I want to do everything I can to make you feel better. You're amazing, okay? Don't ever forget that. I could name everything that is amazing about you, but by the time I finished, the world would be over. "


Did I really just say that?

I did.

Next thing I know, I feel some weight on me, and Frank is enveloping himself into my arms.

I squeeze him tight, tighter than I've ever hugged anyone before.

His breathing and heartbeat slows, as if my embrace comforts his deep, deep wounds.

I move slightly foreward and whisper into his ear, "You're beautiful Frankie."

He jerks back and looks me in the eye.

Oh no. I just fucked everything up. Good job Gerard.

The air is charged with tension so thick, you would be able to cut it with a knife.

Then, Frank moves closer.

And closer.

And closer.

Soon, his soft lips are on mine, my stomach filling with butterflies and my head feels like it's flying.

Our lips dance and my hands tangle is his hair, and it's so amazing and it feels so good and everything is just perfect.

But we eventually have to break for air.

We pull back, our lips swollen.

Frank just looks at me, cocks his head, and smiles.

"You're adorable Gee."

"Not as adorable as you," I grin.

Then we're both smiling, and I feel the happiest I've been in a long, long time.

And I'm positive that Frank feels the same.



Hey everyone!

I'm so sorry for not updating since like, forever.

I've been very busy with school and shit.

Ya'll are gonna get to meet Mikey in the next chapter!:D

I'll try to update as often as possible, but I would really appreciate it if you guys would remain patient with me.

Much Love,

Alteration Extermination💖

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2014 ⏰

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