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Aylas pov

"We need to see what she wants."
"Your right." I walked outside.
"What do you want Clair?"
"You ruined my life, now I will ruin yours."
"What do you mean."
"I think, I'm going to start with your little boy toy Grayson." She looked over at him.
"What, how do you know who he is?"
"Hes famous silly. And I knew you were here because he has been talking about you a lot, saying how he doesn't really like you, hes only nice because of Summer and Ethan." I was speechless. Was what shes saying true? I know she hates me, but she could be right.
"Ok bye!" I walked inside mad.
"Who was that?" Grayson asked. I didnt answer him and just went to the bed i slept in. I was laying down crying.
"Knock knock."
"Go away."
"I cant, because this is my room." He sat on the side of the bed and put his hand on my leg.
"Take your hand off my leg now." And he did.
"What wrong with you today."
"I was just told you lied to me, your famous? And your only nice to me because of summer and Ethan."
"Thats not true, I only lied about being famous because I wanted you to like me for me, but I am not only nice to you because of summer and Ethan. If you dont believe me, then dont, but befor you hate me, just watch this." He gave me his phone with a video on and left. I decided to watch the video and cried during it. The video was a montage of pictures of either me and him or just me and text appeared at the end saying "for Ayla: the bestest friend anyone could ever have, I could never live without this girl." I put the phone on the table near my bed and I put my head in my knees and I started to cry. I just lost the most amazing person in my life and I hate myself for what I did and said. I was crying for like five minutes when Logan came in.
"What happened?!" He sat next to me and put his arm on my shoulder.
"I just lost Grayson because I let Clair get to me, and now I dont have Grayson in my life."
"Do you want me to talk to him?"
"No, dont. I'm just mad at myself, I watched a video he made for me and he said really nice things, but now hes gone and he wont forgive me."
"How do you know."
"Because i called him a liar."
"Yeah, and now all those fun tines with are just replaying in my head."
"Ill be right back." Logan left and then came back with Anti-depressants.
"You dont have to take them, but I'm leaving them for you." I started breathing heavily and i put my hand on my heart.
"Girl, calm down."
"I, i cant, i need water."
"Sure, wait one second." He rushed out of the room. I could feel my eyes closing and the room getting darker and Logan rushed into the room with water and tapped my cheeks to keep me awake. I drank the water but my heart was still racing.
"SUMMER YOU NEED TO GET UP HERE!" Logan yelled, and she rushed into the room.
"What's wrong with Ayla?"
"Its her breathing, its never been this bad, she cant calm down."
"I dont know what to do."
"Go get a wet cloth, but dont tell the twins."
"You got it." She left. Logan kept tapping my cheeks to keep me awake.
"Think of someone or something that makes you happy."
"I cant."
"Lets just go on a short walk and calm down." I nodded and he helped me up and I held on to him as we walked downstairs. I herd Grayson ask what happened and Summer tell him, befor we left I looked back at Grayson and he had sadness and worry in his eyes. Me and Logan went on our little walk and it worked.
"Thank you Logan."
"No need to thank me. Your my little sister." We got to the front door.
"You know what you need to do to make this right?" I nodded my head and opened the door.
"Can I talk to Grayson, alone?" Everyone left and Grayson stood up. I walked towards him and hugged him and started crying.
"I'm sorry for what I said, I saw the video you made and it brought tears to my eyes. I cant loose you Grayson."
"I'm glad you saw the video, I was going to show you another time but it seemed right. Everything in it was true. I couldnt live without you."
"Can you please forgive me."
"Of course. What happened earlier?"
"I was blaming myself for loosing you and my breathing quickened, but it was worse because I couldnt control it, so Logan took me for a walk to calm me down."
"How about we forget this ever happened."
"I would like that." I chuckled wiping my tears.
"Would you want to have another skateboard lesson, for old times sake." I silently chuckled.
"Sure." I grabbed my board and went outside.
"Do you know what a Nightmare flip is?"
"Yeah." I gasped.
"Can you teach me it!?"
"Yes, I can." He chuckled. He put his hands on my waist and I put mine on his shoulders. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, I tried and I missed the board when i landed. I got back on and tried again and I slipped again. This happened about four more times.
"Do you want to stop, we can try tomorrow."
"I dont know, lets just again later."
"Sure." Then Ethan came outside.
"Hey bro, we have to film our vid for today."
"Oh yeah I totally forgot!" Grayson ran inside as I walked in.
"Hey ayla, do you want to be in our video. Ethan told me to ask but wont tell me what it is."
"Sure." I ran inside and dropped the board. I saw the cameras and ran to them.

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