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Graysons pov

I woke up at 12:00 and saw ayla was gone from her room. I went downstairs and she was sitting on the couch on her phone.
"Why are you up so late?" She looked at me and put her phone down.
"I couldnt sleep." I walked up to her grabbed her hand and pulled her of the couch and to her room.
"You need to sleep."
"But I cant."
"One sec." I walked to my room and grabbed a comfy hoodie that would be big on her. I walked to her room and handed her the hoodie. She smiled and put it on.
"You can keep it, I dont wear it anymore."
"Thank you."
"Your welcome." I was about to leave but I herd my name.
"Hey Grayson?"
"Yeah?" I turned to face her.
"Can you sit with me?"
"Sure." I walked to her and sat beside her.
"Thanks, I just wanted to sit with you for a bit."
"Aww, I would always sit with you if you needed."
"Thank you. Can I just fall asleep on you?" She yawned.
"Sure." She ended up falling asleep on me and I fell asleep to. When I woke up she was on her phone.
"Morning sleepyhead."
"Goodmorning cutie pie."
"I'm going to have a shower, you go downstairs and watch TV with the others." I got up and left to go downstairs. I sat down and everyone was watching TV. About 5 minutes into our movie we herd ayla screaming.
"What did you do?"
"Something." I ran upstairs with Jake and she was standing in the bathroom with sweats and a tank top all wet with a towel around her hair.
"What did he do?" I asked as me and jake stood in the doorway.
"This." She took the towel off her head and she had purple hair.
"Jake, why would you do that to her?"
"I'm sorry."
"Is this permanent?" She was drying her hair.
"For two months."
"WHAT THE FUCK JAKE!" When her hair was dry it was really purple.

""WHAT THE FUCK JAKE!" When her hair was dry it was really purple

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"Oh. My. God. Jake just leave." I pushed him away and walked towards her. She put her elbows on the sink counter and put her head in her hands as she sighed.
"I look horrible."
"You look beautiful." I touched her shoulder but she shrugged it off.
"Just please dont touch me." She went to her room and locked the door. I went to the kitchen downstairs.
"Great going dude. She wont even talk to me now." I grabbed a water bottle.
"What did he do."
"He put purple hair dye in her shampoo."
"I said I was sorry."
"Sorry, is not going to cut it this time." I said angrily and went to my room. I sat on my bed and Ethan came in.
"You know shes not mad at you, shes mad at Jake."
"I know that. But shes not talking to me now."
"Maybe she just doesn't feel like talking."
"She didnt even let me touch her shoulder."
"You need to talk to her."
"I cant if she locked her door and wont listen to anyone." I raised my voice.
"I'm sorry for yelling. But I hate when she ignores me."
"I know it hurts you, you need to try and talk to her. She doesn't like what Jake did, she didnt know she hurt you."
"I know she didnt mean to but still. When shes mad at me I get sad."
"I know that, and she knows that. You need to go talk to her."
"Fine." I got up and walked to Aylas room and knocked on the door.
"Ayla? Please open the door."
"Its Grayson, please open the door." She opened the door and she was wearing the hoodie I gave her and put the hood on to cover her hair. She walked back to her bed and layed down facing the wall.
"What's wrong?"
"You know what's wrong."
"Please talk to me." She didnt answer.
"Stop ignoring me, it hurts to see you sad, and it hurts even more when you ignore me." She turned to face me.
"I'm sorry Grayson. I just hate what Jake did. I look horrible." I sat next to her.
"I told you, you look beautiful no matter what color your hair is." She sat up and put her head on my shoulder.
"Thank you Grayson. I dont know what I would do with out you."
"Why are you hiding your hair?"
"Your sweet, but I still hate my hair."
"You dont need to hide. You look beautiful no matter what." She pulled the hood down reveling her purple hair.
"You still look amazing." I kissed her cheek.
"What if people make fun of me?"
"No one will make fun of you, if they did I will hurt them."
"Thank you, but I dont think thats necessary."
"How about we do something?"
"Like what?"
"Lets go."
"Can I wear your hoodie."
"I gave it to you."
"Oh yeah. Lets go." We went to my truck and drove to Starbucks. I went in and ordered our drinks. When I got them the same boy from last time was talking to Ayla. The Fuck boy.
"You might want to leave."
"Why should I listen to you."
"I'm her boyfriend."
"Shes way out of you league." He left and I got in the truck.
"Can you just ignore everything that he just did. Hes just a stupid Fuck boy."
"Your right." I said still a little sad. He was right, she is out of my league.
"Grayson. I know when your sad."
"Its just hes right. You are out of NY league. Your amazing, and im, im just me."
"Grayson, you need to not think like that. I like when your being you. Your my little goofball."
"Thanks. You really know how to make me feel better."
"Good. Because im your girlfriend not his."
"Your right. Lets go home." So we drove home and when we opened the door we saw something that we would never forget.

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