Chapter 1

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'Stupid wall'

'Stupid Car'

'Stupid tree'

'Stupid Snape'

We made it just in time for the sorting. Mione scolded us every since we got here. I vange dmy head in the table as McGonagall called the names. "Harry stop it" Mione snapped. I groaned and laid my head on the table. "Im so hungry, they need to finish" Ron said slumping against the table. I sighed.

Ginny was sorted into Gryffindor and soon sorting was over McGonagall went to grabbed the hat, but Dumbledore stopped her. Everyone was confused at his actions. "Is there another" She asked. He nodded with a twinkle in his eyes. Then the Great hall doors opened. My heart stopped as I looked at the breath taking beauty at the entrance. She was perfect in my eyes. She looked familiar in a way.

Her silky light pink hair, such a unique color, Im pretty sure that was her natural hair color. It was in a side ponytail and it made her look extremely innocent and adorable.

Don't get me started on her eyes. They were unusual but beautiful. Her eyes were purple at the top, Orange in the middle, and pink at the bottom. It was like a looking into your own sunset. Her lips were full and pouty, I instantly wanted to go up and plant my lips on her. Her nose was like a button nose. She had a faint blush on her cheeks as everyone stared at her.

She walked to the stool. I noticed Hagrid stood up looking at her in shock and disbelief. Snape simple had his jaw dropped and his eyes were sad and angry. The beautiful girl turned to Dumbledore and gave him a sweet smile. "I think Harry's in love~" Ron sing-songed. I blushed. "N-No I-Im n-not" I stuttered. "Then stop looking at her" Fred challenge. I couldn't tear my eyes from the beauty in front of me.

McGonagall stared at the girl with soft and wide eyes. "Avivi Ulloa" She said staring down at the girl. Everyone gasped and caused an uproar.


"The Last living Ulloa"

"We have a Queen in Hogwarts"

"I want her in Hufflepuff!!!

"No in Slytherin!!, She shouldn't be with Losers like you"

"SILENCE!" Dumbledor shouted looking quiet angry. Everyone went quiet. McGonagall gestured Avivi to sit down. She sat down and McGonagall put the Sorting Hat on her head. It fell over her eyes making her cuter. Many girls said 'aww'.

"Ahh such a rare and beautiful mind, but rather difficult. I have been waiting to sort a Ulloa for many years. So Brave just like your father, yet sweet and caring like your mother. A power waiting inside you waiting to be released. Smart yet clueless. Sweet yet cunning. Your Michevious, intelligence, loyalty. All makes you what you are, but Bravery overpowers all the others. Its Shall Be GRYFFINDOR!!!" The hat shouted.

Our table bursted into cheers and applause. Dumbledore looked proudly at the Avivi. She got off the stool and walked towards us. "WE GOT ULLOA, WE GOT ULLOA!!" Our table chanted.
I realized the only seat at the table available was next to me. I looked down at the table as she sat next to me. Next thing I know, I was wrapped in a tight hug by Avivi. My eyes widened and my blush worsens. Our skin contact sent a shock throught my body. I loved it.

"I can't believe Its you, after all these years" She said happily. She suddnely let go of me and I missed her touch already. I frowned. "Oh Im sorry for hugging you so suddenly" She spoke so softly and wiped a tear that fell down her cheek. "Its fine" I immediately said after. I blushed. She giggled. My heart warned at the sound and I made it my mission to make her do it more.

"D-Do I know you some how" I asked confused yet curious. We know each other some how. " I figured you wouldn't remember me" She said sadly. I broke my heart. "I mean we were only babies back then" She said then reaching into her cloak and took out a silver locket. She opened it with a soft smile. I looked at the pictures and my eyes widened.

On one side was a picture of four. Two people were my parents and the other two were another couple. The woman was short and had light pink curly hair and blue eyes. The tall male beside her had long black hair and piercing red eyes. My Mom and the pink hair woman were both heavily pregnant. They were all smiling and waving at me. I smiled.

The other picture shocked me. Two babies laid together sleeping. I realized one was me and the other had pink hair. I noticed their hands were intwined together.

"Its that-" I asked. "Yes that is me and you, Mama and Aunty Lily really like taking pictures of us" She smiled sadly and closed the locket. "My Mama name is Layla and My daddy's name is Eric, Mama and Aunty Lily were bestfriends as were Uncle James and Daddy" She said. Suddenly food appeared before us. She looked amazed at all the food. We continue to talk as we ate. "Your Mother and Father were killed on Halloween also, with Harry's parent" Mione said. Avivi nodded sadly. "Mama and Lily protected us, but still he left me with this scar for life" She said. "Y-You have a scar too" I asked. She nodded and moved her bang that was covering the left side of her forehead. On her forehead was a heart shaped scar. "Wow" Ron said amazed. "Do you also have one" Avivi asked me. I nodded. I moved my bang to reveal my lightning shaped scar. She reached her hand up to my cheek and ran her thumb over my scar. I closed my eyes and instinctively leaned into her touch, enjoying this feeling. "Im sorry we couldn't be together, Papa wanted to take care of me,since I didnt have any other family, unlike you" She said slowly taking her hand away. I frowned. "Papa?" Mione questioned. Avivi turned her head and smile at Dumbledore, who smile fondly at her. "Dumbledore is your Grandfather" I asked. "Not Biologically, but adoptive" She said.

"We could have been together" I said sad. Why did he send me to the to my aunt and uncle, they are horrible. Avivi noticed the look on my face and placed her head on my shoulder. "Don't be sad Harry, we're together now and that's all that matters" She said. I smiled and laid my head on hers.

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