Part 55

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"what? Who is this guy ?And why should I meet him ?" Sanyukta asked

"Just go in and you will understand everything" Randhir replied

"Randhir ,what is this now " she said in irritation

"Sanyukta ,u trust me right ? Then go in and no more questions" he said

"Fine " she said walking towards the house​ and cursing him inaudibly

She went inside and Randhir was waiting outside the house leaning to a car parked near the house ,his eyes were moist ,
"I am happy that you are finally meeting your love sanyukta" he said

Sanyukta knocked the door nervously and a lady of her age opened the door who was dressed in track pants and tee shirt

"Yes?" She said

"Suresh?" Sanyukta replied nervously

"Oh you came to meet Suresh" the girl said "come in " she said

She entered inside the house

"Please sit " she said signalling her to sit

"Actually He is in the washroom ,he will be back in few minutes" she said smiling at her and Sanyukta faked a smile to her

"I have never seen you before ,are you Suresh's colleague ?" She asked

She didn't understood what to reply and just kept quiet muttering curses to Randhir in her mind

Just then the girl's mobile started ringing so she excused herself went inside the kitchen to answer the call

After a min she returned back ,
"He didn't returned from the washroom yet ?" She asked Sanyukta and in reply she nodded a no

"Wait ,I will inform him that someone came for him ,so that he comes back early " she said walking towards the bedroom

"Babe , Someone's here for you come fast"

Sanyukta could hear her yelling from the bedroom

"I shouldn't have came to Bangalore itself ,I don't know why I am waiting for some stranger in their house," she thought to herself in irritation.

Just then the girl returned to the living room ,"he will be here in a few minutes , sorry I didn't asked you for coffee " she said slapping her head lightly "would you like to have a coffee or something else?" She asked

"No I am fine " she replied

Just then they heard door clicking open and a man walked towards the living room

He came and stood in front of them ,just when his gaze fell on Sanyukta the smile on his face faded , While sanyukta was in shock

"Rj " she whispered

Their memories were ringing in her mind like a slideshow​

"Sanyukta? " he said

"What ? Is she sanyukta ?" the girl asked

There was a minute of silence

"Guys ,I will go you both must talk " she said

"No Shraddha ,you please be here too"he said holding her hand

"Sanyukta ,I know Randhir must have brought you here ,he wants us to get married but that's not possible " he said

She was still in shock "You are alive ?" She asked in moist eyes

He nodded

"I know you cheated on me and left me when I was pregnant but still I am happy to know that you are alive because you are my first love and indirectly because of you only ,I could meet Randhir Singh Shekhawat ,my husband " she said

"Sanyukta may be this is the time ,you need to know everything , Sanyukta I didn't cheated on you ,that was just my plan , actually I was married when I was 5 year old to a girl called Lavanya ,when I came to know about it ,I was shocked ,my parents brought her home and I started hating her ,she used to love me and used to wait for the day when I love her back but I hated her so much to an extent that I left the house and fled to California secretly ,I was clearly fed up with my life ,so I changed my identity and name to Randhir Juneja ,then when I met you there ,I immediately fell for you ,but when I came to know that lavanya was suffering with cancer ,I realized my mistake ,I wanted to spend her last days with her and I was very guilty for hiding my marital status from you ,so I played this drama of cheating on you ,so that you will move on but you got into an accident and lost your memory" he said

Sanyukta was hearing it silently

"I met Randhir in Mumbai accidentally​,from then he started trying to make me meet you ,he wanted me to marry you as you still have feelings for me but Sanyukta I am in love with Shraddha now and she knows everything about you and lavanya and still agreed to marry me ,I love her ,so please I request you to not to come here anymore and convey this to Randhir too " he said

Sanyukta's eyes became moist "you remember? You used to call me doll ,but I didn't realized when you actually started treating me like I am some doll ,maybe you were like ,she is some idiot ,I can do anything with her and this emotional fool doesn't do anything except crying right ?" She asked

"Sanyukta ..."

"Just shut up !You hided your Marital status from me ,you fooled me and I believed you like a fool ,I allowed you to stay in my house ,I believed you ,it's my fault ,when you made up this drama of your death ,i believed it too like an Idiot though you cheated on me and you don't know how much me ,my parents and Randhir suffered because of you , because of you I got into an accident and you didn't even say a sorry to me  " she said

"Sanyukta I am really sorry " he said

"I can't​ see any emotions behind this sorry ,it's just for namesake right?" She said

"Sanyukta ,no I am really sorry " he said

"I was just your mistress right ? Why would you feel sorry for me ? You enjoyed with me ,played with my feelings and made me pregnant and moved on ,if you have told me that truth ,instead of playing this drama ,I would let you go to lavanya happily but you decided​ to hurt me " she said

"Sanyukta I am really sorry ,I really loved you and I still have feelings for you somewhere in my heart " he said

"Shut up ,I am feeling disgusted to even look at you " she said walking towards the main door

"Sanyukta I am really sorry " he said

"And one more thing ,I won't file any case on you because I believe in God ,karma will pay you back everything" She said before leaving the house

She came out of the house and saw Randhir standing near the taxi

She avoided him and started walking ,she was crying terribly

"Sanyukta" he shouted following her

Randhir hugged her from back "sanyukta what happened?" He asked

"Just go away ,we came here because you wanted to get rid of me right ? I am going now ,just be happy " she said pushing him .


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