2: New Home

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                After Ellie had beaten that game at least seventeen times, Jason had told him it was time to leave. He picked him up and smiled, Ellie had begun dozing off in the middle of stating he wasn’t tired enough to go. Jason just laughed and put him back in the car.


“Papa,” I looked at Jordan and sighed.


“Who’s Ellie?” He smiled.

“If you’d let me continue, I’d tell you…” I straightened out and smiled, “Now… Like I was saying…”


                Ellie woke up and looked around as Jason pulled up to an old, secluded dojo. It seemed like no one had lived there in years, but in the rising sun it seemed like Heaven. Ellie looked out the window and saw things he’d never even seen on the television.

“Alright, here we are,” Jason turned off the car.

“Where are we uncle?” He looked around as Jason helped him out.

“This is where you’ll be staying, my friend here is going to take care of you.” Ellie nodded, what else could he do? Where would he even go? There was no one for what seemed like miles.

                Jason held Ellie by his hand as they walked up to the building, he was about to just walk in when Jason stopped him. Ellie looked confused, but Jason knelt down and removed his own shoes. Ellie looked down at his shoes and copied Jason. Then they continued inside. It was really dark, Ellie could barely see his nose on his face. Jason stopped him outside of a big sliding door.

“Now, you wait here alright?” Ellie nodded as Jason walked in. Though he knew it to be wrong, Ellie listened in on the conversation, “I’ve brought a child here.”

“Watashi wa, mattaku gakusei o anata ni itte inai.” Though Ellie had never heard this language before he was surprised to learn, he could understand every word. [I told you, no students.]

“This child is perfect, Master Jacobi.”

“Watashi wa iya, itta!” [I said, no!] Ellie jumped back a little at how much the other man’s voice boomed.

“He’s just like you,” Jason walked out and looked at Ellie, “Head high, don’t speak unless spoken to.”

            He brought Ellie into the room, and what Ellie saw was enough to make him seem like an ant. The other man Jason had been talking to was balancing perfectly on his hand, no his foot. He was part monkey too, he was like Ellie. His brown hair was short and messy, his side burns grown just to right before his chin. He was big, muscular and at least three or four noticeable scars. He stared at Ellie and seemed to look right into his soul.

“What is your name?”

“E-E-Ellie…” He stuttered out.

“That is a woman’s name.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Are you a male or a female?”

“Um, I’m a boy sir.” Ellie choked out, quite scared.

“You do not sound convinced, therefore I am not convinced,” The man looked at Ellie, “I will ask you again, are you male or female?”

“I am a boy.”


“I am a boy.”

            For about fifteen minutes the man was unconvinced that he was in fact a he. So he asked over and over until Ellie was nearly at his wits end. Over and over he repeated to the man assuring in him that was indeed male, and yet the man asked yet again. Until finally, Ellie lost it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2014 ⏰

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