Chapter 4

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Maedbh’s POV

I sigh setting down my pencil as I look at the essay in front of me. My first day at a new school and I’m assigned a report on my life back in Ireland. The teacher thought that she was giving me a break by having me write this instead of writing the book report everyone else was supposed to have been working on for two weeks, but she wasn’t. I’d already read the book that they were reading at my old school. I had gotten an A on that paper. I frown down at the paper. How do you write about your life and make it sound normal? When writing about themselves, people always came off as conceited or otherwise they sounded like they were searching for sympathy. I was neither of those things. I was just Maedbh. The smart Irish girl. I shake my head putting the paper off to the side and pulling out my Maths book to get a head start on the homework. Yes, I’m quite aware it’s Friday night and most people are probably out having fun while I’m here doing homework, but I don’t care. I liked school. I liked being smart. I knew that one day I’d have a successful job while all those idiots like Luke and Harry would be working for me. I smirk slightly at that thought my mind wandering to the boys. Luke just seemed like a jerk. If he didn’t get what he wanted, than he would get pissed. Harry was the same. It was quite obvious that the two of them were the kings of the school. They got whatever they wanted, or better yet, whoever. I think back to lunch, when I had walked in, I saw some girl draped all over Harry and his expression had just looked so bored. Like he was used to it or something. That just sickened me. I roll my eyes before going back to my Maths. It was pretty easy also. I hear a knock on the door and look up and see my uncle standing there.

“Hey Uncle Simon” I say with a half smile.

“Hey sweetie. How was your first day?” he asks. I shrug slightly not really responding. He seems to understand though and nods. “Things will get better.”

I nod slightly. “Thanks for taking me in.”

“That’s what family is for”

I nod slightly, not sure what to say.

“You might want to think about going to sleep, we have to be at the bakery for opening tomorrow.”

“Ok, I’ll go to bed soon.”

He stands there a second, looking as if he’s debating saying something and then decides not to and walks down the hall. I sigh looking back at my textbook before shutting it and standing up. I stretch slightly before getting ready for bed and climbing in. The chances of me falling asleep weren’t very good. I hadn’t slept well in days. I close my eyes willing myself to sleep.

“Look out!” my dad yells. I hear my brother screaming next to me.


Everything went red.

I jolt awake, a cool sweat coating my body, my heart hammering in my chest and tears running down my cheeks. I fumble to turn on the light, casting a shadow around the room. It was only 4:30. I sit there for a moment trying to regain control of my breathing before standing up and heading downstairs. I start making myself some tea, knowing the chances of me falling back to sleep were very slim. Considering it took me an hour of tossing and turning to fall asleep in the first place, I only had about 3 hours of sleep. The really sad part was I was beginning to get used to it. I couldn’t sleep because of nightmares so now getting 3-4 hours of sleep was becoming the norm.

I was nursing my second cup of tea when my uncle came down the stairs at 5. He pours himself a glass of tea; no longer surprised I was up. When I had first arrived, a couple days ago, he was really surprised to see me up this early. I think he was expecting to have to wake me up at lunchtime like most other teenagers. Eventually he got used to the fact that I can’t sleep and it mostly just meant his tea was ready for him when he woke up instead of having to make it himself. I finish the cup and head upstairs to get ready for work. I sigh slightly, a small frown splayed across my face as I think about work. It’s not that I didn’t like the work. I actually really enjoyed the bakery. I loved baking. It was the fact that Harry was there. I didn’t understand why Uncle Simon was so fond of him. He couldn’t stop talking about how great of a person Harry was, such a hard worker. I roll my eyes. I didn’t believe it for a second. I knew his type. There were plenty of them back at my old school. They had made my life a living hell. It had taken me a while but I had eventually learned how to stand up to them. It had made things worse for a while but eventually they had just left me alone. I hoped that was what would happen this time; that they’d eventually just leave me alone.

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