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Harry’s POV

“Hey” she says softly, looking at me with the same bright green eyes I had fallen in love with so long ago.

After that night when I’d stormed out, I’d gone off to boot camp. I’d been so angry. Not just at her and Luke, but at myself. I’d been stupid to think that she’d ever liked me. I’ll show her, I had thought. I’d win the X-factor and go on to be the next big musician. And then I’d almost screwed it up. When my name hadn’t been called, I didn’t know what I’d do. I thought I’d have to return home and see Luke and Maedbh together. I was horrified. When they called the lads and I back in and told us we were through as a band I could have died with relief. I still had a chance to prove myself.

The 5 of us had gone back to my place for the time between boot camp and the judges house so we’d have a chance to get to know each other better. I guess Maedbh had told Luke she’d told me because the week I was home, I got tons of calls from him, telling me he needed to talk to me. Every time he called, I’d ignored it. Who needed a friend like him? I had my new mates. We’d go on to bigger and better things. Gemma knew something was wrong though. I could see the look of worry every time she looked at me, and she’d frequently brought up Maedbh. Every time she asked where Maedbh was, or how she was doing, I brushed off the comments, telling her I didn’t know. That we’d broken up. When I wasn’t thinking about her betrayal though, the lads and I had a blast. They were great guys. Always up for a laugh. Especially Louis. The two of us were soon inseparable, always making mischief for the other three.

When we went to Simon’s house, the song choice was just perfect. It fit everything so well. There had been moments where I wondered what she’d think when she saw us singing it, but I didn’t care. She deserved it, I’d thought brutally. With every step further in the competition we’d gotten, I felt a perverse feeling of satisfaction. See if Luke was really still better now, I’d thought. Soon, fans were waiting outside for us as we’d leave the studio or the mansion. We’d gone to the premier and to that mall where we’d been practically mobbed. Yet as much as I’d hated to admit it, I always kept an eye out for Maedbh. Wondering if she was in the crowd seeing what a success I was becoming. I wanted her to be. To see what she’d lost. I let my cheeky side grow, flirting with Caroline Flack on air, quickly becoming known as the flirt, in order to get back at her.

Finally it was the finals. Each week, I’d been able to pour all the emotions I’d accumulated during our relationship into each song and it was finally the end of the journey. We sang our last performance of Torn, once again I channelled all my anger into the song. We were all called back onto the stage, and the five of us plus Simon stood there anxiously. When Matt and Rebecca were called as finalists, I felt the world drop from under me. We hadn’t won? I’d been so confident we would. We had so many fans. I managed to hold it together until we were off stage, where I proceeded to break down into tears, walking straight into my moms arms.

“Harry, I need to talk to you” Gemma had said, finally pulling me away from mom.

“What do you want Gemma” I’d asked angrily, pulling myself out of her grip, wiping at my eyes. “I’m not in the mood right now”

“It’s about Maedbh” she says. I roll my eyes, spinning on my heels and starting to walk away but she grabs my arm turning me back around. “She never slept with Luke”

“What?” I ask freezing, my attention finally sparked.

“You were all upset after talking to her and then you wouldn’t answer any questions I asked so I went to talk to her. She told me what had happened and that she’d told you she slept with Luke. After a lot of pressing, she finally admitted she’d lied. She thinks she did it for your own good. She wanted you to be free to chase your dreams, but she did not sleep with Luke” she says emphasizing the last part. My shoulders sag as  I process her words. God was I an asshole. I’d believed her far to easily. I’d refused to talk to Luke, to let him explain. I’d spent this entire X-Factor journey attempting to get revenge. What had I done?

“Harry! There you are!” Louis calls running over and pulling me back towards the stage. “They just announce Matt won! We have to go congratulate him!” he says. I plaster on a smile and try to make myself appear happy. This was a big achievement for Matt and I didn’t want to seem resentful. I was already a big enough asshole for what I’d done to Maedbh. When the show was over, we were all hustled to Simon’s office where he told us he was signing us. The next couple of months were a whirlwind of chaos. X-Factor tour dates, business meetings, trying to prepare our first single… I barely had time to sleep. And whenever I had a day at home, I was to chicken to go talk to Maedbh. Too embarrassed by my behaviour. I had tried to push it all to the back of my mind and move forward like she’d wanted and much to my and my family’s surprise, I’d even landed a date with Caroline. I’d officially been swept into the celebrity life. I suppose I did have Maedbh to thank for it. She’d been smart. She’d known exactly what it would take to get me there and had given me just the push I’d needed.

Two years later,  I was finally back in Holmes Chapel, staring at the girl who’d helped me get to this point. She looked great. She’d grown up from the girl of 15 who was always bent over a book into a beautiful woman. I briefly wondered if she still thought I hated her or if she realized how much I owed her. Unwaveringly she met my eyes, almost daring me to rub it in her face all that I’d become but I knew I wouldn’t. I knew if I had to, I’d go back to making YouTube videos to regain the trust and love of this girl I’d wronged so deeply. Just like that I knew. It was starting all over again.


Thanks to everyone who read this! I've started the sequel, it's called Over Again, so you should go read that now also :) Plus, I have some other stories you should check out also. Enjoy :)

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