Chapter 12

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Harry's POV

“Hello Harry” Mr Wakefield says as he answers the door.

“Erm, hello sir” I say nervously. He stands there for a few seconds and I begin to wonder if he’s going to let me in. He finally steps aside ushering me in to the living room.

“Maedbh will be down in a few minutes. She’s finishing up getting ready. I’d like to have a word with you in the meantime if you don’t mind” he says sitting down on the couch. I nod, taking a seat in the armchair across from it. He stretches out across the couch making himself look very intimidating. Normally he was a really friendly guy but something about the look on his face was beginning to scare me. “Now I know you’re a good kid. You’ve worked at the bakery long enough for me to see that, but Maedbh has become like a daughter to me. She’s been through so much already, I don’t want to see her get hurt.”

I start to protest that I’d never hurt her but he cuts me off before I can get a word out.

“All that I’m saying is that if she gets hurt—“ he starts saying when a voice from the staircase interrupts him.

“Uncle Si are you picking on Harry?” Maedbh asks, a grin on her face, as she glides down the stairs. She looked amazing. She had on a blue shirt and some pinkish red shorts. Her hair was down, for the first time. It was perfect. She needed to do that more often.

“Mouth Harry” Mr Wakefield mutters under his breath to me and I instinctively snap my jaw shut, not realizing it had fallen open in the first place.

“You look great” I eventually manage to stutter out.

“Thanks” she says, a blush forming on her cheeks. “You do to.” I glance down at what I’m wearing; nothing out of the ordinary, just a pair of dark wash jeans and a white v-neck. “Are those for me?” she asks, gesturing to the bouquet of flowers in my hand. I look down, forgetting I had gotten them in the first place.

“Erm yea” I say handing them to her. The smile on her face grows bigger as she buries her face in the flowers, inhaling their scent.

“They’re beautiful” she says. “Can you put these in a vase for me?” she asks turning to Mr Wakefield. He nods, taking the flowers.

“Be back by 10” he says stiffly. Maedbh rolls her eyes.

“The movie won’t even be done until 10:30 Uncle Si” she says. He lets out a sigh.

“Fine, 11” he relents. She smiles victoriously and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

“Thanks Uncle Si” she says as we head towards the door.

“Not a minute later” he calls after us “I’ll be waiting.”

“Wow, you’ve really got him wrapped around you finger don’t you?” I ask with a laugh, a feeling of relief at being out of Mr Wakefield’s intense stare. She grins nodding her head.

“He never had kids and I think he fancies me a daughter.”

I nod, that’s pretty much what he had said earlier.

“The movie will be done by 10 though,” I say. It was only 7:30.

“Yea, I know, but I figured it’d give us a little extra time” she replies with a shrug “What film are we going to see anyways?” she asks.

“I was thinking Slumdog Millionaire,” I offer. “It’s supposed to be pretty good. If you want to see something else though we can do that.” I add quickly.

“No that’s fine. I wanted to see that” she assures me. We get to the cinema and I buy the tickets and a thing of popcorn.

“Where do you want to sit?” I ask as we walk into a mostly empty theatre. She climbs the stairs to the middle back and we take our seats as the lights dimmed, the movie starting.

“Harry are you crying?” she asks teasingly as the lights turn back on.

“What? No” I say quickly pulling my arm off from around her where I had put it during the movie and wiped at my eyes.

“Awww you were!” she says with a laugh.

“It was sad,” I protest. She laughs, shaking her head slightly as we walk out of the cinema.

“Where to now m’lady?” I ask gesturing out in front of us dramatically. She chuckles. “What about the park?” she asks. I nod and we set off in that direction. As we walk I ask her about life back in Ireland. She tells me about her family, her home, her friends, pretty much everything. At least a lot more than she had when my mom had asked her over dinner. I could tell talking about her family upset her and I tried to tell her she didn’t have to tell me if she didn’t want to.

“No, its ok. I like talking about them, it just makes me sad sometimes” she responds with a sad smile.  I nod and we continue walking again. I didn't want to press it. Neither of us brought up what happened that brought her here, or what had happened to her family. Our hands brush a few times until I finally have the courage to take hers in mine. She smiles slightly as she looks ahead but doesn’t comment on it. I smile also, as I intertwine our fingers, letting our hands sway back and forth. Eventually though, it nears 11 and we start heading back to her house.

“I had fun tonight” I say, as we pause on her porch to say goodnight.

“Me to” she says with a nod. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. It was the moment for the goodnight kiss. I take a step towards her, putting my hand on her waist as I lean down. Our lips brush when a crash of a door flying open breaks the silence. We jump apart and turn to look at the door where Mr Wakefield is standing.

“Uncle Si” Maedbh starts protesting when she is cut off.

“I’ve been trying to call you all night” he says. That’s when I notice how white he is, his eyes wide with panic.

“I turned my phone off before the movie. What’s wrong?” she asks hesitantly.

“It’s Caelum”


Yay an update! Let me know what you guys think so far! Vote and comment! Possible even a fan if you havent already? That's Maedbh in her date outfit over there ----> 

I was going for cute yet casual since it was only a movie and Maedbh doesn't seem like a big dress person. But yea! Thanks so much for reading! I hope you are all enjoying it!

Oh! And I entered my other story, With Every Moment Left, into 1DWattyAwards so if you could go to her page to vote for it that'd be much appreciated! 

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