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I know two men by that same name

One metaphorical and the other literal,

One visible and the other invisible.

The first one taught me to love the second one.

The second one taught me to respect the fist one.

The first one built the roof above

The second one watches from heaven above.

There was a  time when the first one was lost

And the second one was only there to help.

There was another time when the first one

came back

And opened my eyes to the second one.

There was a time when the first one would hold my hand

And make me understand the love of the second one.

I felt truly loved, treasured and cared for

I never felt lonely till when....

The first one blended into the second one

And became a complicated mess.

How can I believe your assurances of the second one's love

When I see none of it in you?

How can I see His kindness

When I see a mountain of spite in you?

How can I see truth in His words

When to me your words are untrue?

How can I believe, when you say that He'll hear all my prayers

When you turn a deaf ear to my innocent pleas

to let me be me?

How can I believe in his forgiveness

When all you see is the wrong in me?

I wonder if there's any way

I can find my a place in my God's heart.

If I don't, I now know whom to blame,

Its me cos in my eyes both of them were one.

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