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Sirius was in shock after what he had seen

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Sirius was in shock after what he had seen. Charlotte and his brother? When had this happened? He was hurt and angry at the same time. Now he understood why her lipstick had been smudged after the party.

He had gone after Charlotte when he had heard what had happened between her and Marlene. He didn't expect to see what he did.

"Padfoot whats up?" He heard a voice behind him. A sigh escaped his lips, he didn't want to talk to anyone right now, but he had to.

"Hi, Moony. Nothing, about to walk to class." He said with a little fake smile, if it was anyone he needed to talk to right now it was James.

"You don't look so good. You look like you just seen a ghost or something." Remus said with a frown. Sirius never looked like that.

"It's nothing. I need to talk to James, do you know where I can find him?" Sirius said so fast that Remus almost didn't understood what he said.

"He was right behind me. So he'll be here soon." Remus said and smiled at his friend before leaving him standing in the hallway.

Sirius almost ran the way he came from to find James. It was hard because it was a lot of people in the corridor and a lot yelled at him when he shoved the ones that was in the way.

"James!" Sirius yelled when he saw his friend down the hallway standing with Lily.

"Hi Sirius." Lily said with a smile when he was standing next to them.

"Padfoot, what's wrong?" James asked with a frown, he was still mad at him but he never liked to see his friends like this.

"Did you know?" Was the only thing Sirius said, this time looking mad like he had done the night before.

"Know what?" James said playing dumb.

"Don't play dumb with me. Did you know?" Sirius said with an even harder look now.

"Sirius, what are you talking about?" Lily asked concerned for her friend and putting her hand on his arm.

"Did you know about Charlotte and Regulus?" Sirius almost screamed out this time and James faced paled and Lilys jaw dropped.

"Regulus is her mystery guy?" Lily asked surprised. After what they had seen earlier in the week she never thought he would be her mystery guy. Now both of them looked at James and he knew he had to say something.

"Yes I knew." He started before Lily interrupted him.

"And you didn't tell me? And why didn't she tell me?" Lily asked hurt that none of them had said anything to her.

"She didn't want to tell anyone jet and she didn't tell me, I saw them together." James explained to his friend and girlfriend.

"You should still have told me! How do you think I felt when I was them kissing in the hallway?" Sirius yelled at his friend mad again and now James was getting angry too.

How far I'll go - S.BlackWhere stories live. Discover now