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Charlotte couldn't speak, she was so shocked and she knew if she did her voice would break straight away

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Charlotte couldn't speak, she was so shocked and she knew if she did her voice would break straight away. How was he here? How was he standing in front of her?

"Lottie." He said one more time and felt how his voice broke. When he saw her he knew he had done the right thing. He knew that he couldn't live without her, so he knew he had to be here.

"Sirius." Charlotte choked out through her tears before she ran over to him right in to his arms. She never wanted to let him go, she never wanted him to leave her arms. She was so scared that she was dreaming, that she would wake up in her bed without him next to her.

"I love you." Sirius said with a voice that broke straight away. He had thought that he would never see her again, and now here he was with the girl he loved in his arms. She whispered the magical words back to him and couldn't stop crying.

"How are you here?" Charlotte asked when she had calmed down a bit. She didn't understand anything, how had he managed to travel here? Not that she was complaining, she was so happy having him in her arms again.

"Dumbledore helped me. He came to me and asked if I wanted to go after you." Sirius smiled at the small girl and he saw the happiness shine in her eyes and he knew his eyes were showing the same thing. Charlotte didn't say anything she just couldn't let herself think that this was true, she were still afraid that she would wake up and realizing everything had been a dream.

"Lottie?" Charlotte and Sirius heard a voice say behind them and almost jumped apart. When they saw who was standing there with a questioning look on his face they both froze, but for different reasons. Sirius felt his mouth open and he looked at the boy in front of him. He looked exactly like the friend he had left behind, but he had Lilys eyes. It was obvious that this was Charlottes twin brother, he looked so much like James that it was scary. Harry froze as well, he recognized the grey eyes that belonged to the boy next to his sister. He didn't know what to think, he could see the man he had known in the boy that was standing in front of him.

"Harry." Charlotte said and dried her tears. She broke the staring contest between the boys in front of her. She saw that Harry recognized Sirius and she saw the shocked look on Sirius face when he saw just how much her brother looked like James.

"Who is he?" Harry asked right away. He didn't like how close his sister standing to the boy. Charlotte took a deep breath, letting her eyes meet Sirius before she answered her brother.

"I think you know who he is." Charlotte said with a small smile. She could see it in his eyes, he saw it just like she had when she met him a few months ago.

"It can't be." Harry said and shook his head, not wanting to believe his sister. Sirius had been someone he had looked up to, someone who was like a father to him, and now he was standing in front of him.

"It's true. Harry this is Sirius Black. Sirius this is my brother Harry." Charlotte said introducing them to each other. Sirius was still a little shocked when he had seen how much Harry looked like James, but he was happy to finally meet Charlottes brother.

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