Chapter One

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A/N: Hey guys!!! This is my first story on Wattpad and I'm really looking forward to what you think! Please Comment and Vote! I'll return as many as I can.



Mint Chocolate Chip or Butternut Crunch.

Decisions. Decisions.

Sighing, I opened the freezer located in the back of the convenience store and picked out a carton of cookie dough ice cream. What can I say? If you don’t like the choice, find a new one. It was a philosophy I’d lived by for most of my life and it had been working out decently so far.

I placed the cold paper container in the small basket that held a half-gallon of milk and a jar of peanut butter. Moving on, I stopped and grabbed a chicken flavored instant ramen and proceeded to the cash register. The middle-aged man behind the counter shot me a suspicious look as I unloaded my items. In no mood to talk, I purposely avoided eye contact.

The little convenience store located a few blocks from my house was empty at this time of night. The only sound breaking it was the beep of the bar codes being scanned.  I wasn’t surprised.  The town of Riverton was the typical suburbia with low crime rate and child friendly zoning.

I hated it.

The bell above the door rang behind me. Glancing over my shoulder, I frowned as a guy walked in. He had baggy ripped jeans, dark eyeliner and a studded dog collar around his neck. I blinked at the unusual sight, one I hadn't seen since moving from New York. It was a bit...nostalgic. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the worker eye him nervously while bagging my groceries.

I returned my gaze to the guy, tilting my head slightly. He wasn’t too bad looking if you could get past the collar and liner, but far too slender to be my type. I bit back a laugh as he made a b-line for the magazine section and picked one from behind the black playboy bunny card. Of course.

I paid the worker and took my bags, taking my time walking home. I was in no rush to get back to my uncle. When I’d left, he’d been on his telescope looking for UFOs. That was an activity I could miss without a guilty conscience.

To say my Uncle Ryan was eccentric was being far too nice. He was a loon, plain and simple. But, I still loved him to death. He was the younger twin of my father, and had taken me in when I’d refused to move to Greece with my dad. It wasn’t like I hated traveling. I just wanted to finish high school in the States. The European system was too confusing for me. I owed him a lot, which is probably why I often found myself participating in his antics. Just this morning, I’d gone up on the roof to help him intercept space frequencies. Once a day was enough for me.

My flip-flops clacked against the cement sidewalk as I strolled through the night. It was late, and if I was still living in the city, I might have been worried. However, the worst crime to happen here and the past two months was the robbery of candy from the local super market. Yeah, people really lived on the edge here, I know.

Suddenly, a thud interrupted my musings. Stopping, I looked around, wondering if I should be afraid. Another sound echoed through the empty street. It had come from the direction of an alley a few feet a head of me. Curious, I wandered closer, another thud reaching me. I recognized the sound: a fist meeting flesh. Someone was getting beat up.

I froze. Leaning up against the brick wall, I poked my head around the corner. The alley was surprisingly well lit. There were a total of four men. Two beefy guys were holding up a man who was currently slumped forward and the forth was beating the crap out of his stomach.

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