chapter 4

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Once I reached the office the bell for first period rang which meant calum had to go.

When I got close to the desk a girl tripped me up. I looked up to see a fake b**ch.

"stay away from calum, or I'll make your life hell" she said before leaving.

"need a hand?" a guy asked extending his arm out for me.

"aha , yeah thanks, whats her problem?" I asked getting up.

"she feels threatened by such beauty as yours, by the way im aiden"

aiden winked as he walked away. I started to blush.

my schedule:

p1- maths

p2- art




hmm.. not bad.

*knock knock

I walked into art as I missed maths sorting everything out.

"hello, who are you?" the teacher asked

"im beth, im new here" I answered.

"ah! yes! hello beth, you can either sit next to aiden or calum"

I didnt want this school to be hell for me so I chose Aiden.

calum looked ... sad?

why would he be---

"my friend and I are having a party tonight, wanna come?" Aiden asked inturupting my thoughts

"um, sure , ill give you my number and you can pick me up " I smiled.

the rest of class was just me and Aiden messing around having fun.

I might actually have friends at this shool!

---hours later---

I have just finished curling my hair. im wearing a blue dress with matching blue sneakers.

I made my way downstairs to see aiden and my mother chatting. when they finally see me we say our goodbyes and leave.


"here, drink this" Aiden said passing me a cup of alcohol. I downed it within a second and 5 cups of alcohol later I was drunk.

I was suddenly pulled upstairs with no clue of what was going on. But I suddenly got sober when I realise that Aiden was taking my dress off!

"please p-please dont, im not ready" my voice said shakily.

"shut up little b**ch"

I screamed for help of anyone and Aiden hit me in the head to shut me up ,the last thing I heard before blacking out was arguing.

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