There was a knock at my bedroom door. I opened it to see Calum standing there.
"hey" He smiles slightly
"hi" I say emoitionless.
"look dont listen to Chantelle and her 'possy' , your amazing, Beautiful and funny, who cares if you've never had a boyfriend?"
"apperently everyone" I laughed.
" well I dont" he smiled.
"anytime" we just stared at eachother for a minute until he gave me a hug.
"be unpredictable" he whispered.
All night we watched films at his house.
"Its 1:05am and im not even tierd" he said turning to me.
"me neither" I smiled
we both smirked at eachother knowing what the other was thinking.
We both ran to the stereo to turn on music but calum won so he got to press thr button.
What makes you beautiful by onw direction came on.
Calum started miming the words to me and I joined in on the second verse. Soon we were dancing around his living room.
Calum grabbed my hand and twirled me around, thats when I saw a women stood at the door frame, scared me half to death!
we immediately stopped and I think I sww calum blush?
" Hi im joy, calums mum" joy smiled
"hi im beth, a neighbour, I live across the street."
"nice to meet you, You two are up late, you must be hungry" she said passing us cookies.
"how come you were out so late" I asked trying not to sound nosey.
" I work till midnight but I stopped to pick up some food." she seems nice.
----2 months later----
Me and calum have gotten really close. like super close. I am also close with the rest of the band and sarah, who may or may not have a crush on Ashton. too cute!
I was sat on my bed watching mean girls when I got a phone call.
"hello?" I answered
"hey , guess what?" calum asked sounding VERY excited.
"louis freaking tomlinson tweeted saying that hes a huge fan of this band" he literally shouted down the phone.
"shut up" I said going in my laptop opening louis profile on twitter.
and there it was in writing.
I maybe a huge fan of the band! eekkk.