calums pov
did I really just say that outloud? what do I say, I need a cover.
"what? no I didn't, I said I... cov you? you know slang for I cover for you?" I said , more like questioned.
"no you didn't, you said you were in love with me."
"no i-" her lips cut me off. I have imagined this since the moment I met beth, that sounds creepy but she's so nice and genuine, I , I, I love her.
beths pov.
I can't believe I kissed him, I just went for it. what do I do now, this is going to be so awkard.
I didn't know what to do when I pulled away, so I just ran, ran right out, pass sarah, ashton, michael and luke and right out the door, I don't know where I was headed, I didn't know my way around, I didn't even look behind me to see if calum was following me, I stopped for a breathe outside an alley way, big mistake.
I turned to look inside the alley way when 2 teenage boys dragged me in, they started punching and kicking me as i lay on the floor helplessly.God knows what wouldve happened if jack didn't happen to walk by and save me, and yes, jack from the plane.