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We make enemies in many different ways.

Often, it's fueled by hate.

Our enemies are a part of our fate.

However, fighting never solves anything.

It just feeds the flame.

Until someone gets burnt.

Or killed.

Iseul watched Namjoon as he stared the young man down, anger evident on his face. Even after all of the times he got angry at her, she had never seen him like this. His arm stayed in front of her, as if he was protecting her from the man.

"What are you doing here?" Namjoon growled.

"I just wanted to grab a bite to eat, Joon. You're here for the same reason, " Yoongi said nonchalantly. Namjoon glared at him and spoke once more.

"Don't call me that, you bastard, " was his reply. Yoongi made eye contact with Iseul and smiled, which scared her in a strange way.

"Why, hello. I see you have a new pet. She's a pretty one, " he said, slowly getting closer to Iseul. Namjoon let out a low hiss and pushed him back. Yoongi barely stumbled on his feet, but his playful face had suddenly been replaced with an eerily harmful appearance.

"Don't threaten me like that. You know what I can do, " Yoongi's voice deepened, seemingly referencing to a past event with his words. Namjoon's back arched and Iseul could feel the anger radiating off of him.

"Get back, " Namjoon snapped at Iseul. She stepped backward until she hit the wall. Though she could barely see, a small light illuminated a sliver of the alleyway. In that, she saw the two men begin to fight. Namjoon attacked first, getting Yoongi on the ground for only a second before the two flipped, Yoongi dominating him. Only a minute into the fight, Iseul was tired of watching. She ran and punched the supposed 'enemy' in the stomach, sending him flying back into the street.

As he lay on the sidewalk, a few people walked by. Looking into the alley one last time, he vanished. Namjoon stood, looking at Iseul with fire in his eyes. He grabbed her hand without saying a word and began to walk back to the forest, keeping mind of their surroundings as they returned back to their warehouse.

Iseul's back slammed on the wall as Namjoon threw her, the man she knew had returned.

"You're weak! I don't know what you were thinking! " He yelled. Iseul stood, popping her dislocated shoulder back into place.

"I saved you, you prick! If it weren't for me, you wouldn't even be here now!" She threw back at him, pushing him to the ground. He stood swiftly and quickly, ready to hit her again. She dodged it, twisting his arm. He returned the favor by twisting hers and flipping her, holding her on the ground with his foot.

"Incase you forgot, I'm the reason you're here. I could have killed you that night, but I didn't. You owe me your dedication, bitch, " he spat at her.

"I don't owe you shit, " she replied, anger pulsing through her veins.

"Oh, you do. Because now I have to protect you from him."


"Yoongi! " he yelled, "That bastard has his eyes set on you and I won't let him take anything else away from me." Through his anger, Iseul thought she could sense a tinge of hurt on his voice. What did he care? She wasn't sure why she was there.

"Why don't you just let him take me so I don't get in your way anymore, huh?!" Iseul screamed. She had enough of Namjoon. He lowered his body and brought his mouth to her ear, sending chills throughout her body.

"Because I don't share my objects, " he whispered and walked away, slamming the door to his office. Iseul sat up and dusted the dirt off of her, partially stunned at what had just happened. For a second, she almost fooled herself into believing he cared. The more she thought, though, she came to the conclusion that it was just him thinking about himself. If it were any other man, he probably wouldn't "protect" her.

Iseul sighed and wondered what her life would be like right now had she not met Namjoon. She'd be working her night shift and hoping for something different to happen in her life. In a way, she had gotten her wish of a different life. Though, she never imagined she would want her old life back. It seemed so horrible, but the word 'horrible' never had a meaning to her until now.

She then proceeded to bring the image of Yoongi to the front of her thoughts. His face was pale and cute, but somewhat masculine. The way he looked at her and his smile brought chills through her body then and now. His eyes looked her up and down before he and Namjoon began to fight. In her honest opinion, she would rather stay with him over the man she currently stayed with.

Namjoon's office door opened as he stormed out, dragging a seat behind him and sliding it into the middle of the room.

"Sit, " he ordered. She followed the command like an obedient dog and waited for him to speak again.

The two were in complete silence until Namjoon ran his hands through his hair and sighed.

"A long time ago, when I was human, I met a woman named Young-Il. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever met. I introduced myself to her and I knew I would come to love her. She was headstrong and always got what she wanted. So, I agreed to go with her to Gonjiam Psychiatric Hospital. She told me that it was just some old abandoned hospital that was supposed to be haunted. We went together, and soon came to find out that it was more than haunted, " he paused, taking a deep breath and looking at Iseul to make sure she was listening.

"As we were walking through the hospital, " he continued, "we were attacked. We thought it was the police coming to arrest us, but I soon realized that someone was sucking all of the life from my Young-Il. I tried to push him away from her, but I was weak. He kicked me away and onto the ground, which gave him enough time to finish her off. When he came for me, I wanted to fight him off. When he realized I was heartbroken, he decided in his sick mind that he would make me suffer. He turned me and fled, leaving me with nothing but his name and an eternity of pain. That was around 18 years ago."

Iseul stared at Namjoon, feeling sympathy for him. Though she had never loved, she knew it must have been hard on him. She snapped back from her thoughts as he yelled suddenly.

"And you know what makes me mad?" he asked her aggressively. She shook her head.

"You look so much like her, " he growled, inching his face closer to hers.

However, fighting never solves anything.

It just feeds the flame.

Until someone gets burnt.

Or killed.

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