Chapter Two

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Kristina P.O.V

I woke up feeling like someone hit me in the head with a hammer. Rolled over and groaned being met with sun, burning a hole in my sockets. I groaned again and closed my eyes. Woke up this morning with a headache the size of a soccer ball.  Yawning and stretching, feeling all my joints pop and rubbed the crust out of my eyes and reached for my phone.  It was 10:45 am.

"Ugh! " sitting my phone back down and buried my face in my pillow, I did a muffled scream. My friends and I stayed out all night drinking our brain cells away.  Honestly I did not know how I got home last night or this morning. Which ever one it was I couldn't remember.

There was a knock on my door that scared me half to death causing my screams to become real.

"Yea? " I rolled over looking at the door.  It opened and Craig came in holding a glass of water and a bottle or aspirins. The life saver.

"Hey,  party girl. I brought you some water and pain meds for your head.  I figured you needed them after I came to get you. " He said handing me the glass and the meds.

"Thank you". I said taking the stuff. Looking at my brother, he looked just like my dad.  Tall,  spiky light blond hair and big blue eyes. "You came to get me? " I asked drinking the water like it was going to run away. 

Craig came and sat down on the bed looking at me.  "Yea.  You called me. It was pretty funny.  You were really drunk." He said chuckling. I groaned.  When I get drunk I talk, about any and everything. "It's okay,  you didn't say anything stupid. Well nothing that would ruin your life completely." He said with a evil smirk. Sometimes when he found something he holds it and uses it against you when least expected.

"No! Craig what did I say? Oh my God please. whatever it is don't tell anyone." I said sitting up really fast. My head was spinning, really didn't care I had to make sure he would keep him mouth shut.

He shook his head. "You will find out." He said folding his hands over his chest. "So. When is this audition of yours?"

"Tomorrow at 3. I leave tonight and won't be back for two weeks." I said still wondering what it is that was said the might not ruin my life completely but it might make me reconsider drinking till I couldn't spell my name or even recite the ABC's.

 I have an audition at Julliard. There are many feelings running through me, fear, nervous, anxious, doubt and just don't damn certain that I would be able to make it. Every time I think about it I sweat bullets. Been packed and ready to go for about two months because I was excited and all. The night at the bar was a going away party for me. I didn't want to go because I didn't want to be homesick but this was something that I've been wanting to do since I was little.

"Okay.  I'll miss you you know.  I have no one to pick on while your gone." he said poking me in the stomach. I laughed. Craig and I were closer than Jason and I.  Craig was fun and outgoing. I liked hanging out with Jason too but only at home.  Every time he left the house he went to jail so yea we weren't that close. 

Just the other week Craig and I went to a carnival and he won me a stuffed giraffe. On the way home he had the top down on his jeep. I fell asleep and the giraffe hung loose between the crook of my neck and the door. He fell out as he rounded. I was upset about it because it was gift. He won it and I wanted to keep it. It was a special giraffe to me. I didn't have him that long but still.  The next day Craig came home with a stuffed giraffe. He is a sweet loving brother. Those things like that make me love my brother more and more each day.

Don't get me wrong I love Jason with all my heart. We are just on two different levels. When we hang out outside or our home the things that I get are usually stolen and I end up getting in trouble for my brothers stupidity. But he's my troublemaker of a brother who I wouldn't change for anyone better or worse. He's perfect. In every family there should be the devil and angel. Jason is the devil and Craig is the angel and I am  the blob of vanilla pudding in the middle.

"Come on moms making breakfast. It's the good stuff too. " He took my hand and dragged me out of bed and hauled me downstairs.

It smelled so delicious down here.

(Editing) The Ballerina and The BillionaireWhere stories live. Discover now