Chapter Forty

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It's been two weeks since I've talked to Kristina. I was actually afraid of Craig so I kept my distance. I had Dr. Masterson keep her as a patient. I've been all over the news lately.  My company was doing very well . My family wasn't talking to me. Lucas would use one word when talking to me and that was ass, Yes I was an ass. I showed it too but still.  I love her. I made a mistake.  A big one.

I've gained weight from stress eating and I drink a little more than I usually do. I haven't shaved and I have bags under my eyes.  I don't sleep.  I'm exhausted and lonely.

I was sitting at my desk at work and my phone beeped.

"Truman" I said rubbing my hand over my face.

"This is Tiffany Eldra from GQ magazine. we would like for you to be our cover and have a section in our magazine.  It's about the life of a young bachelor billionaire. Are you interested Mr. Truman? " She said. I thought it over for a few seconds .

"When is it?  " I asked rubbing my beard.

"In a month. We will send all of the information to you secretary and we will set up the date of the shoot with you and also the interview ."

"That sounds great. I will do it. "

"Thank you so very much for this Mr. Truman"

"No thank you Mrs. Eldra.  Have a nice day. " I said hanging up.

I sat back and looked down.  I wasn't huge but I didn't have my body.  I was going to go to the gym everyday until I got to the photo shoot. I rubbed my face and it was thick. My hair grew fast. I sighed and sat back. I picked up the phone and called Joanne my receptionist. Even though she was right there I was lazy.

"Yes Mr.Truman" Her sing song voice came through the phone.

"Can you please look up the last known address and phone number for Kristina please." I said. My heart aches when I said her name.

"Right away Mr. Truman." She said and I hung up. I opened the drawer and pulled the tiny box out.  I opened it and the ring sparkled.  Tears burned my eyes and I let them fall.  I miss her so much. 


Joanne walked into my office and placed a piece of paper on my desk.  I nodded my head in thanks and she left. I picked up the paper and there was a phone number. address, and a cell phone number.  I let out the breath that I had just realised that I was holding.

I picked up the phone and dialed her number.

"Hello?" She answered on the third ring.  I didn't say anything."Hello? " She repeated

"Kristina? " I said it almost like a sigh.  I heard her gasp. 

"Ken? " She said I could almost picture her crying right now.

"Please,  please come back. " I begged.  I was gripping the edge of my desk. 

"Ken, I can't.  You hurt me. I thought I could trust you. " She said. She sniffed.

"Kristina please come on Saturday and I will tell you everything. Please. I miss you so much. " I said.

"Just tell me now. " She said.

I sighed sat back and told her everything.

"Will you come back? Can we start over? " I said with hope in my voice.

"I don't know Ken.  I need more time to think. " She said.  My hope fizzled to nothing. 

"How are you and the baby? " I said taking another approach.

"Fine. Ken I have to go."

"Please wait. "I said

"Ken just stop plea-"

"I fucking love you dammit! " I yelled through the phone. " When I proposed to you I said I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.  I need you.  I can't eat.  I can't sleep. I'm drinking too much.  When I was with you I felt normal.  I was not being haggard by paparazzi. With you I was happy and I felt complete.  You. Changed. Me. I love you.  You have my child inside you and that makes me love you even more. Please come back and be with me so that we can grow old together and watch our kids and grandkids and hell even our great grandkids grow to be something special.  If you don't understand how I feel about you the something must be wrong.  I-I You know what. I'm done trying. " I said and hung up.  I was breathing heavy and I was crying.  I wiped my face and left.

(Editing) The Ballerina and The BillionaireWhere stories live. Discover now