Chapter Thirty-Two

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Kristina POV

Once Ken left I called Macy up so that she could clean the bathroom.  Ken didn't want me cleaning anything. 

When I took the tests they all came out negative. I was happy at first but then I became upset when I realised that I wasnt pregnant. 

I walked into the closet and pulled some more dance clothes, my other ones had gotten wet.  I had lost my mind for a second. I was so worried about getting huge.

I quickly changed my clothes and put on sweat pants and a jacket over my leotard and tights.  I picked up my ballet shoes and walked down stairs.  Ken had went to his office about twenty minutes ago and hasn't came out since. I was going to leave him be. I walked into the living room and my dad was on the couch sleep. I went into the kitchen and my mom was filling a glass with some water.

"Hey" I said with a small smile.  "I'm about to head to practice. Was you still going with me?" I asked my mom.  She nodded her head.

"Let me get my purse." she left the kitchen and I went to the door. The butler,  Mr. Graves, stood at the door. He held out my keys. I took them and smiled at him before walking out. Minutes later my mom came out with her purse. She got in and I started the car and we drove to the studio in a comfortable silence.


We get to the studio and Fabio was there.  I looked around and Megan,  Cinthia,  and Chris were there also.  I didn't see Bella yet.  Fabio rushed to me and gave me a hug and air kisses.

"Fabio this my momma Betty. Momma this is my friend and dance partner Fabio. " I introduced them and they hugged and did air kisses.

"Okay mama.  Time to work some magic." Fabio said turning around and walking back to the others.

The door opened and Bella walked in with a guy that I've never seen before. He was tall and dark hair. He had hazel eyes. He was a deep chocolate brown and had a neat goatee. I heard Fabio whistle behind me.  I turned and glared at him and pointed to my engagement ring finger. He sighed and looked down.

I turned back and Bella took the bag from him. He went to the seat next to my mom and sat down.  Bella walked up to me and gave me a big bear hug. 

"Hey sista." She said smiling.  I looked at her a few seconds more.

"Hey.  Who is that? " I asked looking at him again.  He was on his phone but when he noticed I was looking he looked at me. I looked away quickly. 

"That's my new man. " She squealed and turned to look at him. He winked and kept talking on the phone.  She looked like she was about to melt. 

"What's his name?" I asked folding my arms across my chest.  I felt like an older sister. 

"Lucas. He owns La Chateau, and all the other La Chateaus in the USA and other fancy, five star restaurants. " She said getting a dreamy look in her eyes.

"Does Ken and Daniel know that your dating?"

"No.  I'm scared to say anything to them or bring him around because I don't know how they react. "She said frowning. "They are so over protective." She finished with a sigh.  I nodded my head on agreement.

" Well as long as your happy.  I won't say nothing to them until you do. " I said.

"Thanks. "

"Now let's dance until we cant take it anymore." I said grabbing the stereo remote and turning the music on.  We danced for about three hours until we couldn't take it any more.

I was ready for my performance. I could do it. 

(Editing) The Ballerina and The BillionaireWhere stories live. Discover now