Chapter 15: The unexpected

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The scene starts of with Matt flying back to the others after killing The Moss Man and Graz

"Matt did you know that you were like, um....... A FUCKING SUPER SAIYAN" screams Garrett

"No, I'm just as surprised as you are. Also if anything, I would probably be called a super Bill instead of a super saiyan if anything "

"Well, what ever you are, you fucking surprised us, I legit thought we were going to die but you saved us" states Dylan

"Ya, and you legit have to be like the strongest person in the world" questions Nate

"Ya, well I'm surprised too, It just kinda happen"

"Well now that that's done can we go back to the base. I'm exhausted" asks Zack

"Ya, I agree lets go back" replies Dylan

The six friends head back to the camp by five in the afternoon. The six decide to stay in the camp for 3 months and continue training

Horrible transition to 3 months later

"Aaaaaa ok ok I'm getting up you nigger" scream Garrett as he wakes up

"Did you have the same dream again" asks Nate

"Ya the one where some dude wakes me up screaming get up while he's Robbing my house"

"You idiot, I was talking about Benny. Also why would someone scream to get up if there robbing your house" question Nate

"I don't know"

"Well what ever, how are you on your training" asks Nate

"Well I've made a few more secret techniques"

"Really what are they"

"Well if I told you they wouldn't be secret you idiot" states Garrett

"Fine what ever, go tell everybody to wake up. We're leaving to go back home"

"Oh shit. You know what I just noticed" states Garrett


"We never fucking told anybody where we went"

"Holy shit true. Who ever wrote this shit is horrible at writing"

"Hey fuck you. Are you guys ready, we're about to leave" states Dylan as he walks in to the tent

"Ya, is everybody waiting" asks Nate

"Ya, hurry lets go"

Garrett, Dylan and Nate walk over to everybody and the six starts walking through the forest to get back home.

"Wait why don't we just use Garrett vape pen to teleport back home" question Matt

"Oh shit, true. Let me get the portal ready"

Garrett pulls out his vape pen and starts to think about hitting vape tricks with his dog. Before they jump through the portal all of them are hit with some sort of knifes.

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