Side note from the story I just watched the suicide forest video and I don't know how to feel. Scared/relieved/sad/ I'm all over the place and my Anxiety is so high.
-Right before they found the body sitting up it seemed as if there is a lady in white with black hair in a low pony tail sitting leaned up against something. Tho we will never know what it truly is I feel bad.
-Colby said in the beginning of the video he had thought someone was following them. Their pink athletic tape disappeared from the trees too which is suspicious.
-I don't know much about ghosts and paranormal activity but their flashlights shouldn't have stopped randomly. I have had flashlights from the dollar store that last longer then those. The camera also was very staticky and people in the comments said it was because of signal from being in a forest. Last time I checked cameras don't need signal. Also all 4 of them in some part of this video or the ones on Colby's and Brennen's channels say they don't feel well. People say it's the ghost messing with them in a way but still I'm confused. If u have any sort of theory for why these happened comment because I'm intrigued on all of this.
-also I did some research on the forest and found out they supposedly put up signs THROUGHOUT the forest telling people to rethink what they are about to do/ that their life is a precious gift/think about your family. Tho in the video the only signs I saw were directions and one sign at the beginning of the public trail. It concerns me to what happened to the signs police supposedly put up and if they put them up at all
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This is a picture of where the public path splits from the one that's barricaded off. Yes, it's the same rope, and some of the plants are a bit different but notice in the video the two sings hung to the rope are not there. That is proof someone removed the signs that were once up.
-more info from knowledge I have is tents are there because when you are iffy on suicide you steak a tent and also leave a rope in case you decide not to and want to get back out. So most likely the tent they saw was either someone who was still iffy or had decided to leave the forest dead/alive.
- I know I talked about this earlier saying I was confused but some knowledge I have from school is forests have rich magnetic iron that mess with cellphone service, gps, and compasses. I don't know if this could effect the camera also but it is a possibility.
(After writing what I thought about I did so research so Bellow is some stuff I learned after doing the research. I don't know if it will answer any questions you guys have but comment how you guys feel about it all)
-Due to the densely packed trees, it is almost impossible for the wind to pass through the forest, essentially eliminating the sound of rustling leaves and falling branches. Additionally, Aokigahara is almost entirely devoid of wildlife, meaning you'll rarely hear birds chirping, squirrels chattering, or animals running around. So the fact that they 1) had chills from what they thought was wind and 2) saw a deer and heard some type of growling noice raises my suspicion on what happens in that forest.
-As the result of the densely packed vegetation and unmarked trails, it is much easier to get lost in the forest than it is to simply find your way out. This is why so many people who are contemplating suicide wrap brightly colored tape along the trees to mark their route and ensure they can find their way out. Now I thought I understood this when Elton explained it in the video but most of the ones they saw were just markers on a tree and that's what they did too. But after doing research I saw that they actually tie ropes and make a line of rope like the orange one they saw that leaded to the tent. So I'm a bit confused if the different markers mean different things. (If you know any info pls comment)
-I read a experience of One of the travelers who went inside the forest and had claimed that her tape was cut deliberately, leaving her lost in the woods. Though after many hours she tried to manage to get out, but the question still prevails as to who had cut her tape? To be safe, go inside with a group of people each moving with a tape. To think that it happened to them and also to the tfil squad is insane because that means that maybe someone or something is in fact cutting trespassers ropes.
-due to the emptiness of wind noice I talked about earlier. If you do venture into the forest you are more likely to hear other people and or screams from unfortunately someone who takes their last breath. That being said , people who said in the comments they heard a scream at specific times when they turn their volume up is highly possible.
-the paper they found at the video which was still on the public trail had a possibility of being a last letter from someone who went into the forest planning on not coming out or a map from a tourist who was their sometime recently
-they did see an umbrella while in the forest which is actually surprising. It had to be from a recent visitor of the forest because many people do to the forest and disrespect the dead and salvage for lost items or items near where someone one recently died. Also many volunteers and park workers do pick up items left around the forest. So most items that close to the exit of the forest don't stay there long.
-now I don't know much about the legends and stories of the yurei but if u do feel free to comment.
I hope you enjoyed learning some stuff about the forest. If you know anything to answer any confusion I have or others have PLS comment