[Day 9]

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Day 9// Photo That Makes You Angry / Sad

Last Pictures of John and George😢

Last Pictures of John and George😢

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I'm finished breaking everyone's hearts now

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I'm finished breaking everyone's hearts now.

I'm about to tell a story, so if you're one to freak out easily over gross things, you'll wanna skip this one!

Okay, so before I published this chapter, I went to a fairground (hooray! Or not so hooray on my part) with 2 of my friends. So we were having loads of fun going on rides and stuff, until we queued for...


*dun dun dun*

So, we watched the ride before as it span around and around and it looks tonnes of fun. It was round with benches inside it and there was nothing to hold onto or seatbelt, and as it spun the riders faster and faster , it would bump violently. And as I did this when I was on it, I started to feel faint and had to close my eyes, my head was thrown back because of the pressure. I could hear my friends yelling at me and the guy who was working the ride. As I opened my eyes, I felt the urge to cough. So I did. Then again.

Then.... splat! Puke all over my shirt and hand! They had to stop the ride to let me off and call my mum. I cried a little bit because I felt so ill. My friends didn't like it either. So I write this as I'm lying in my bed feeling sorry for myself.

Never again. Never.

𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐉𝐔𝐃𝐄. the beatles miscWhere stories live. Discover now