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I wouldn't recommend watching this unless you want to sob your heart out... :(

So this is the last part in this book! *cue awwing * I was thinking about creating another book, since I had so much fun making this one! You'd don't have to read it of course though!

Sorry for ending it on such a sour note as that too.😢


Too cliche? Okay then.


Anddd.... it's up! I've published a second book, and I love if you'd go and check it out!


I'm so sorry guys, but my other book accidentally got deleted from wattpad, so I'm going to have to make another one... SIGH UGH WATTPAD SORT YOURSELF OUT GOD.

𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐉𝐔𝐃𝐄. the beatles miscWhere stories live. Discover now