Chapter 4

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I had a feeling today would go really well. I wasn't going to let that dream put a bad start to my day. I was determined to not let anything or anyone ruin it. I was almost at work when I realized I wasn't late after all.

It only took me 15 minutes to make it downtown. Since I had a little time to spare I stopped at a coffee shop and ordered myself a caramel macchiato and a cheese danish. I decided on getting Chase a drink as a thank you for hiring me as well as for forgiving me for my little outburst. He seems like a simple man, so I ordered him a regular coffee. I can't picture him drinking a mocha frappuccino.

Making my way up to the barista he greeting me with a smile. He was handsome, his blonde hair was messy and his bright green eyes shined from the sun that beamed through the large windows of the small coffee shop.

"Good morning Miss. What can I get for you?"
Glancing at my phone to check the time. I made sure I wasn't going to be late.
"Morning, can I please get a caramel macchiato with a cheese danish as well as a small coffee?"
Typing my order into the system
"And your name?" He looked up at me waiting for me to answer.
"Um..Chelsea." I said with a nervous smile. I wasn't too fond of telling strangers my name. I was a little paranoid.
He scribbled it on the cups and slid them down the line. "Alright, Chelsea that'll be $8.13." My eyes widened.
"Wow, that's pretty cheap. I'll have to come here more often." He smiled grabbing the 10 dollar bill I handed him. "I would hope so."
He said winking at me.
I laughed as I made my way to the end of counter. "Don't forget your change" He yelled. "Don't worry about it" I said as the other worker handed me my drinks as well as my warm danish.

Walking back to my car I had less than 10 minutes to make it to the office. Luckily it was only a block over. In record time I made it up to the building with two minutes to spare. On my way up I passed the rude receptionist giving her a quick eye roll. When I made it up to my floor I went directly to Chase's office. I knocked gently on the door.

"Come in" before he could finish I had the door halfway open.
"Good morning Chase, I stopped for coffee on the way here I didn't know if you'd like anything special so I just got you a regular coffee."
Without looking up he reached out to grab the cup from my hand but I let it go thinking he had it. Crashing onto the desk the coffee flew all over the papers he was going over and even onto his lap.
"Are you kidding me?" He yelled hopping up from his chair.
My mouth flew open as my hand went up to cover it. I put my things down on the chair grabbing some napkins from the bag.
" I am so sorry" I said trying to dry off the papers that he was working on.

"Stop it, just stop!" He yelled. "You're only making things worse get out!" I looked at him fighting back tears.
"I was only trying to help!" Grabbing my things I stormed out of his office.
I stalked down the hallway to my office slamming the door behind me. Standing there in awe I saw that my office was painted a beautiful shade of purple, almost like the color of a lilac but still close to white which kept it looking professional. I sighed as a wave of guilt flashed over me.
Wow he actually did it. I thought my request was ridiculous. I didn't think he'd actually get it painted. I loved it, it made me want to decorate it. Don't get to comfortable Blake. I said to myself.
I wanted to go back into his office and apologize but instead I went to talk to the receptionist Amanda.  Besides he kicked me out of his office anyway.
"Hey Amanda" I said walking up to her desk.

"So is there anything else I should be learning or are you just going to throw me out there without my floaties and tell me to get to swimming." She looked up from her computer.

"No there's actually still a lot for you to learn, I know I piled a lot of information on you yesterday but that wasn't even the half." She said smiling up at me.
"Come on let's go to the conference room, I'll give you a complete tour of the building before the day is over."

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