Chapter one

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I was woken up to a knock at my door.

"Shit" I mumbled under my breath looking at the time.

It was 11am and I was supposed to be ready by half 10, Connor would be so pissed off with me. I took out my phone and looked at my reflection, I looked a mess. I got up and went to let him in.

"I am so sorry about being late I just couldn't sleep last night" I said nervously.

"Don't worry about it you fool" He laughed, walking into the house.

It's safe to say I was pretty nervous, I don't know why it's just that sometimes Connor can have a vicious side to him and I didn't know if this would make that side of him come out as it has before.

"What are we doing today then" I said to him jumping on the bed.

"What ever you want to do, I thought we could lay in bed and watch films all day" He smiled.

"Sounds perfect" I smiled, pulling him in for a kiss.

I went over to my DVD shelf and picked 3 possible films we could watch, I chose;

Monsters University

Mean girls 

and The Hangover

"You can pick out of these three" I said.

"hmmm, obviously mean girls" Connor laughed.

I giggled and went to put on the DVD. I was glad Connor was in a good mood today because when he was in a bad mood things went real bad and I didn't want that for us anymore. Connor used to hit me, a lot. He still does sometimes when he gets really pissed off but I guess now I just know what to say and what not to say so he doesn't get pissed off.

I went back over to the bed and got under the covers resting my head on his chest.

"You forgot to turn the light off" He laughed.

"Ugh okay" I said, standing up to switch off the light.

I turned off the light resting my head on Connors chest once again. The film started to play, I knew mean girls was one of Connors all time favorite movies, it was one of mine too but because I was late I thought I would choose that one so that he didn't get pissed off. I knew he wouldn't get pissed off today because for some reason he was in a really really good mood. 

"If you're from Africa then why are you white" Connor said. 

"Oh my God Karen, you can't just ask people why they are white" I finished off. 

We both burst out laughing. 

"I love it when you're happy" I said looking up at him and smiling. 

"I love you" he replied. 

"I love you too"

Me and Connor had been dating for 5 months now, we had ups and downs like everyone else but our relationship meant a lot, well it did to me anyway. Connor was the first person I had sex with, I am 18, almost 19 and was always terrified of having sex, unlike most other girls my age. Me and Connor had been good friends since we were about 10 but then when we were both 14 he started smoking and then when we turned 15 he started to do weed. When Connor started doing weed we kinda drifted apart, I didn't like the thought of drugs at all and he knew that but he wasn't bothered.

When we turned 16 his Mum died, they didn't manage to find out the reason but his Dad went off the rails, started doing cocaine and drinking heavily thats when Connor moved in with me. 

I just lived with my Mum at the time, my Dad left when I was a baby, we don't talk about him much. Mum and Connors Dad were close and it killed her to know that he had gone off the rails. I told Mum about Connor and she demanded he came to live with us, also after his Mothers death he got worse, him and his Mum had an amazing bond, one that could never be broken. I approached Connor for the first time in months and asked him if he wanted to move in with us and he broke down into my shoulder and things just went from there. 

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