Chapter Three

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Maddies P*O*V

It had been a week since I found out Connor had cheated on me and since that day our relationship seems to have been stronger than before, I felt like me and Con had turned a huge corner, I knew he would never hurt me again.

"What do you want to do today baby" Connor shouted from the bedroom.

"I really don't mind" I replied.

"Can we go out for a meal? I will pay, my treat?" He said.

"Sounds perfect" I smiled.

He had started putting a lot of effort in. He also kept trying to spoil me but I didn't like being spoilt so I tried to avoid it most times. I wanted to go out today so when he suggested going for a meal I agreed.

"Where you taking me then" I giggled.

"hmmm, where would you like to go?"

"I really don't mind, suprise me?" I replied.

"Good idea"

I thought that it would probably be McDonalds, it was alway McDonalds. I was secretly hoping that he would try and be romantic and maybe take me some where different this time.


"You ready yet" He shouted through from the hallway.

"Yeah, just getting my shoes on and then I will come" I replied.

Connor went out before and got in the car. I think he went out first so he could tell the driver where we wanted to go without me hearing. I was really tired so I rested my head on his shoulder.

"How long will it take until we are there?" I asked.

"Um, only about10/15 minutes"

"Here" Connor said, he sounded pretty excited.

"I was expecting McDonalds" I laughed.

"No, I thought I would put a bit more effort in this time" He winked.

I didn't have a clue where we were going.

"Here" Connor said sounding pretty pleased with himself.

"NANDOS, OMG YAY" I screamed.

I had never been to Nandos before and I really wanted to go so I was really happy that he had brought me here, he knew I would like it.

"Thankyou Connor" I smiled.

"What for?"

"I don't know, just making everything so perfect, you mean alot to me" I said.

"You mean the world to me and last week when I thought I had lost you it was horrible, I just know now not to let it happen again" He sighed.

"I know, I love you"

"I love you too" Connor replied.

I was happy, happier than I had been before.

We went into nandos and ordered our food.

"I dont understand how you haven't ever been to Nandos and after today you will be here all the time I can promise you that" He smirked.

"I have very high expectations of it as you never shut up about it" I said

"Oh, you will be amazed at how nice it is" He laughed.

When we were sat waiting for our food things between us were pretty awkward, I don't know why they just were.

"Um, you alright, you are being a little bit too quiet for my liking" Connor said.

"Um, what?"

"Nothing" he sighed.

I was gorming out big time I don't know why, I wasn't even thinking about anything good, I don't even know what I was thinking about.

"Connor, who was it you kissed" I gulped.

Shit, I instantly regretted asking him, I didn't need to bring it back up, why did I just bring it back up.

"If I tell you it wont get inbetween us again will it because I thought we had sorted this" he said.

"No, I don't want to know, ignore me, forget I even mentioned anything, I am sorry."

I knew if he told me it would break my heart, I didn't mean to ask him I just spoke my thought and I really regretted it.

"It was... It was Holly" He gulped.

"WHAT, HOLLY, OUT OF ALL PEOPLE CONNOR" I practically screamed.

I wanted to stand up and walk out of here so bad right now but it was my fault for asking.

"I said I didn't want to know Connor"

"Sorry, I just thought I should tell you as you asked and I knew you would have wanted to know" He said.

"I don't know I can do this Connor, you mean everything to me but I really don't know if this is what I want, you cheated on me with her." I sighed.

"No, Maddie please... I am begging you. Please don't do this. I thought we had resolved the issue, I can't loose you again"

The waiter came over with our food, practially saving us.

"Thankyou" I said, faking a half smile.

Neither of us were talking, I felt bad for bringing it up when Connor clearly wanted us to have a good night tonight and finally put everything behind us.

"This is pretty good" I said.

"I told you so" he laughed.

We didn't speak for the rest of the meal, everything was so awkward.

"You ready to go?" Connor asked.

"Yeah" I replied.

We went outside and got in the taxi back home, nothing was said on the way home, nothing at all.

"Home sweet home" I said opening the door.

I didn't speak to Connor I just went straight up stairs and got in bed, I had a good night and I had ruined it but I didn't want to speak to him.

"Massive, are you awake?" Connor asked as he came in to my room.

I ignored him, I pretended to be asleep and not hear him, I didn't want to speak to him, I felt kind of bad so I knew if he tried to speak to me again I would probably reply.

"I know you're probably just ignoring me now but I love you Maddie, more than anything and I'm going, I'm leaving. Just remember I love you"

"Connor! Don't leave, I'm sorry, please please don't leave me" I said.

"I have to, look what I'm doing to you Maddie"

"The last week has been perfect and I fucked it up, please don't leave me."

I was really upset, I have fucked everything up, everything! I loved this boy, he loved me and I was messing it up, I couldn't let him leave.

"Fine" he said

"Well, are you getting in then" I winked.

"We okay?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry about bringing it app up again today!" I replied.

"I love you"

"I love you too Connor"


I'm so sorry about this shitty short update but I don't have time to write these anymore:( I try update every day but it's hard! Sorry:( x

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