Your boyfriend cheats on you♡ L&M&C&D

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Y/F/B- your favourite brother


I unlocked the door to mine and Joe's house.

"Joe" I called out.

No reply.

I just shrugged it off guessing he was out with his friends.

That was until i opened the door to our bedroom just to see Joe and his ex making out on the bed.

Tears fell down my face.

"I hate you!" I screamed.

I packed your bags.

"Y-Y/N baby"

I chuckled at him still calling you baby after he kissed another girl, more specifically his ex who I absolutely hate.

"I don't want to hear it Joe you kissed another girl"

"It's all a misunderstanding"

"It's a misunderstanding? Lmao so why we're you both on our bed? And why was she in our house? Well your house now. Goodbye Joe"

I slammed the door shut on Joe who was heartbroken. Not like I care it's all his fault.

The tears fell and fell until I stopped outside my bestfriends house.

I knocked on the door and straight away Darius opens it.

"Y/N!!" He pulls me into a hug.

You buried your head in his chest as more tears fell.

He took me to the living room where the rest of the boys.

They looked up to me.

"Y/N what's wrong? Do I have to beat someone up?" Marcus said pulling you down next to him.

I continued crying until the tears stopped.

"It's J-joe h-he cheated on m-me with h-his ex" i stuttered.

"HE WHAT?!" The boys yell at the same time.

"To be honest, I always knew he would do something like that I was too stupid to realise. And I haven't even realised that I actually love someone else" I whispered the last part.

"Aw who is it?" Lucas nudged my arm.

"Y/F/B" I mumbled.

Y/F/B eyes sparkled.

"You really don't know how long I've been waiting for you to say that" he said before smashing his lips onto mine.

We both pulled back and the rest of the boys smirked.

I spent the rest of the day hanging out with the boys watching films.

An update with all the brothers whooo!
Once again I thought of this in the shower lmao.

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