The Next Morning

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Rhaella POV
When I woke up the next morning  Drogo was already up preparing our horses to leave back for the Khalassar. Raising myself up I watched him as put the saddle on my mare. Deciding to get ready myself I grabbed my dress and put it on.

Noticing my body was sore from last night events I sat down slowly, looking out over the ocean as I began to braid my hair.

While I braided my hair I felt Drogo large hands take over for me. Waiting silently Drogo finished my hair. When Drogo was finished we both stood and walked to our horses.

After we were on our horses we rode back to the Khalassar seeing the slaves and many others packing up. As Drogo got off his horse I followed standing beside him while I saw three  girls coming towards us.

"They will help you change, little wife."

Drogo told me. I nodded and he left with our horses.

"Come Khalessi, this way."

The first girl told me as they led me into a large tent. Walking inside I saw a large copper tub filled with hot water. Standing there not really knowing what to do the first girl motioned for me to get in the tub.

Doing as she asked I pulled off my dress and got in the tub trying to hide my surprise that it was warm water and not cold water.

Relaxing my sore muscles I sighed.

"Khaleesi how do you feel?"

A girl asked me as she pulled out a set of Dothraki clothes for me.

"I'm a bit sore but other than that I'm fine. What's your name?"

I said wanting to know the names of my handmaidens.

"My name is Irri, this Doreah and this is Jhiqui."

Irri told me introducing the other two handmaidens. Nodding in understanding I watched while Doreah was washing my hair Jhiqui was busy packing up things and Irri was getting my outfit together.

Rinsing my hair I stood up as Irri handed me a towel to dry myself off. When I was all dry Irri, Doreah and Jhiqui helped me into my new outfit.

I wore a pair of leather pants, a vest with a skirt and riding boots. I tried at first to do it myself but they wouldn't have it. Letting them win they dressed me and Irri pulled me over to a stool where she could do my hair.

It was left down with two braids that went along the crown of my head and two more in the same style that went below it a little ways.

When I was already I was led out of the tent out back to the Khalassar. Once I was outside a few slaves came over rushed taking down the tent.

When I saw my mare was in sight I walked  up to her petting her nose before saddling on. Getting myself ready for the journey I saw Drogo ride up beside me.

"Are you ready?"

He asked me I nodded seeing out of the corner of my eye Viserys and Daenerys were climbing onto their horses.

Drogo following my gaze.

"My siblings are traveling with us?"

I asked him.


Drogo told me annoyed that they were coming. Leaning more closely into him I rubbed Drogo arm in assurance. Drogo vaguely smiled before looking down at my hands seeing that my reins were wrapped around them.

"I don't want you to get blisters."

He motioned towards my hands handing two rolls of cloth. Drogo left after that to lead the Khalassar. Wrapping the rolls of cloth around my hands I soon followed him falling behind his Bloodriders while my maidens walked beside me.

A few feet behind me were Ser Jorah, Viserys and Daenerys. Seeing my brother I could see the scowl on his face as he saw he was not the most important person here. Deciding to ignore him  I looked ahead watching the clouds.

As Noon rolled around I continued to watch the clouds float by in the wind when Viserys came up to me.

"Well, did you please  the Khal dear sister?"

Viserys asked me angrily. Looking at him I scoffed not answering his question. "Um, excuse me I asked you a question now answer it." Viserys now demanded his anger growing.

Keeping my mouth shut I stared ahead hoping he would go away. Noticing I wasn't going to answer any time Viserys went back with Daenerys and Ser Jorah.

After Viserys left we kept on traveling till Nightfall where Drogo called for Camp.

"This way Khalessi."

Jhiqui said to me leading my horse to flatten the grass. I did as she asked and watched as everyone set up tents. Lost in my thoughts I just watched before I felt two large hands help me off my horse.

Looking up I saw Drogo. He nodded his head to our tent. Irri soon came in and I took my bath. After that she helped me with tending to little blisters that formed on my hands from my bad wrapping.

Beside my blisters my body was sore and hurt. Irri seeing my discomfort soon left with the promise of dinner.

When Irri left I went around to entertain myself with  my pup Fang. As he walked around exploring before going back to the bed I made for him.

As Fang laid snug in his bed I decided to tend to the fire. While I was tending I heard someone enter. It was Drogo with a plate of food.

"Are you sore Little wife?"

Drogo asked me setting the plate at the small table that was in our tent.

"Yes, but I will be fine."

I answered standing up. Drogo nodded grabbing onto my hand gently before pulling me down to sit at the table. Thinking he was going to sit beside me I sat criss cross until he went behind me. Me now sitting in between his thighs.

I ate in silence as he massaged my back relieving the sore muscles there. When I was done Drogo  led me to bed.

Laying down first Drogo pulled down to lay my head on his chest. Closing my eyes I fell asleep to the beating of his heart.

Rhaella TargeryenWhere stories live. Discover now