The Feast

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Rhaella POV
After my victory with eating the Stallions Heart a large celebration was held for Drogo and I twins Rhaego and Alaina

Drums were beating while women were dancing and food was being passed around. I was sitting on Drogo lap at the head of the tent in absolute bliss seeing my people enjoying themselves. Fang laying down beside us gnawing on a bone in his mouth. While Daenerys standing in the back pouting.

As Drogo was busy laughing at one of his Bloodriders jokes I saw Viserys come in.

"Rhaella! Where are you? Where is she?" Viserys announced obvious intoxicated as he limped from many days of walking with the Khalassar.

I was about to stand up so I could see what he could possibly want when Drogo pulled me down. Looking at him anger clouded his eyes as Drogo stared down at Viserys.

"I'm here for the feast." Viserys told Drogo, Jorah translating for him.

"The Worm has a place in the back."

Drogo told him pointing to a back spot. Jorah translating for Viserys. Viserys followed where Drogo pointed and frowned.

"That's no place for a king."

"You are no king." Drogo said in broken common tongue. Viserys angry by Drogo response pulled out his sword making the whole room go quiet.

"Viserys put the sword away they'll kill us all." Jorah tried  to warn him as people were glaring and hissing as one of their laws was broken.

"They can't. They can't shed blood in their sacred city." Viserys said cockily as pointed his sword around other people trying to scare them.

When Viserys and I caught eyes I wanted nothing more than to run. His stare cold and wicked. No sign of my brother was there anymore.

Drogo slid me off of his lap and into his chair where he previously sat and stood in front of me protecting me from Viserys. Deciding to show no fear  I stood up and moved around from Drogo so I could stand In front of Viserys.

"What is it that you want?"

I asked Viserys an edge to my voice.

"Your husband promised me something. My crown. He bought you but he never paid for you. Now tell him to give me what I came for or I'm taking you back. I'll even cut out his stupid savages and leave them for him."

His sword being dangerously close to my stomach clenching my fist in anger at this that he would threaten mine and Drogo children I about bursted with anger at him before Drogo spoke.

"Tell the beggar king I will give him a crown that men shall tremble to behold."

Drogo told me anger lacing his voice.

"What did he say?!"

Viserys asked angrily.

"He said that he shall give you a golden crown  that men shall tremble to behold."

I answered. Viserys satisfied with this he back up lowering his sword. Seeing that I was no longer in danger Drogo came over to me and placed his hand firmly on my stomach. Drogo looked at me showing me his plan with his eyes and I gave a small nod.

"Seize him."

Drogo commanded his Bloodriders. Viserys not knowing what was going on he stood there confused until Rakharo and Kovarro grabbed each arm snapping them behind his back. Viserys sword dropped as he screamed in pain and anger.

Daenerys finally coming into the picture tried to run to defend our brother but Ser Jorah held her back.

"You can't do this, I am the Dragon. I am the Dragon! I want my crown!"

Viserys yelled as if it would matter to anyone.

"Dump the pot."

Drogo told a slave as he took off his golden belt before throwing it in the pot.

Viserys looked at Drogo fear evident in his eyes.

"Rhaella, Rhae please, please do something. Rhae."

Viserys yelled afraid for his life. I did nothing as Daenerys struggle against Ser Jorah grip trying to get to him. When the gold was finally melted Drogo picked up the pot by its handles and walked over to Viserys.

"A crown for a King."

Drogo said in broken tongue as he poured the molten gold on Viserys head killing him.

"No, no!!"

Daenerys yelled as my Bloodriders dropped his dead body.

"Remove him."

Drogo told Kovarro before coming over to me.

"Moon of My Life."

Drogo whispered grabbing my hand returning to his seat with me in his lap.

"My Sun and Stars."

I whispered back kissing his cheek. Seeing that I wasn't mad at him Drogo smiled and we went back to enjoying the feast.

Rhaella TargeryenWhere stories live. Discover now