Werewolf Talk & Camping

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Derek's pov

"Mom I can explain, I told him but only because he saw me change." I said trying to act like I wasn't scared of my mom. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't. I'm pretty sure everyone is afraid of their mom.
"Listen this is really important because she's gonna be here any minute." Stiles said nervously. He looked around at all of us, "More like coyotes don't like us she's never gonna come back." I said carefully
I didn't want to make him upset. He seemed to be really fond of her but he walked out.

I heard whispering. It wasn't loud enough for me to be able to hear what was happening. Then he came back in with a coyote. "This is her home." He said smiling at all of us, "She promised she wouldn't hurt you and that if your good to her then she's gonna come back." He said hopefully. I didn't think anything bad would happen to her. "Stiles we won't hurt her we promise." Mom said and he nodded.

"Where are Issac and them?" He asked nervously hoping that he didn't accidentally let them burn. It was obvious that he was hoping they were safe.
"Issac is with Erica and Boyd at their house he doesn't live with them but he goes over sometimes." I said he nodded
We all sat with each other in front of the tents. We were sitting with the pairs we would sleep with. I was pretty close to Stiles because he was really cold and it would help. Only because of my body heat.

"So what can werewolves do?" He asked smiling at all of us. "We can smell what your feeling, kind of like when you're nervous or sad but we can't smell attraction." I said with a smile, he oddly seemed relieved when I said that.
"We can tell if you're lying because we can here your heart beat change." I said smiling bigger. I really love being a werewolf. Being different is amazing to me.

"We are stronger, we heal faster, but we all have something that's a little different for all of us." I said staring at him watching him staring back. "What do you mean different?" He asked getting nervous. "Some werewolves can have claws on their feet just like their hands , some are faster than others, born werewolves can transform into a wolf, and well some werewolves turn into a really ugly beast." I said hoping I wouldn't scare him but he looked more curious than scared.

"Derek is super slick, lean, and fast." Laura said looking at me.
"Everyone else is pretty normal except for mom she can transform into a wolf ." Cora said smiling brightly. She loved that mom could transform fully. I really love it too. Although it's more common in born wolves it's still pretty rare. "Oh and we never get cold we are like always hot." I said smiling, I always like that because sometimes I don't have to get a jacket.

"And we never get sick." Dustin and Dane said at the same time. He nodded.
"So you guys don't know what it's like to be cold?" He asked and we all shook our heads no. He rolled his eyes at us, "We should all get some sleep, you have school tomorrow." Mom said caringly, we all nodded and went into our separate tents.
Stiles and I both had pillows. He covered himself in a blanket. I could tell he was still cold. He sort of kept shivering and if that wasn't a tell enough, he was breathing heavy.

"Stiles I could help ." I said, maybe he would let me. It would be my first time actually cuddling someone. "It's fine I don't wanna bother you. I can just ask her to come in and cover me." He said not moving. I listened to her heartbeat but it was slower than usual she was asleep.
I didn't want to say anything because we were all in a tight space and everyone could hear me saying it. So I just grabbed him and pulled him into me.

I wrapped my hands around his waist so that one was under him and one was on him. I held him secure and I tangled my legs with his. I heard him sigh I couldn't tell if he was upset or not. Either way he was getting warmer. I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

Stiles pov

I felt as his warm breath hit my neck. I was trying to go to sleep but I don't know why I couldn't. Was I really the protector of this family? They are amazing. I felt his arm slightly move away from me. Then it snaked around my waist again. He then pulled me even closer if that was possible.
I think he really likes this cuddling position, probably because he can hold on as tight as he wants to. I don't know why but it works. I closed my eyes.

Time skip to morning

Derek's pov

I was still kind of asleep when I heard moving around. Probably Dustin, Dane, and Laura. They're always awake early.
I knew Laura had school she's probably gonna run somewhere before. I closed my eyes to try and go back to sleep.

Sorry this was a really short chapter
Do you think Derek is embarrassed that he cuddles???

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