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Derek's pov

I woke up to my mom smiling at me. I didn't know why until I realized that I had Stiles pressed against my chest.
"Can you not? I fell asleep it probably happened on accident." I whispered not wanting to wake him. "Wake him up he needs to go home for school." Mom said shaking her head at me I just nodded.

I started to shake Stiles lightly. "Mmm." Was all I got from him, "Stiles you have to wake up and go home." I whispered in his ear. I watched him shiver but he got up. Interesting.. "Couldn't you have just said that out loud?" He looked at me annoyed.
"It wouldn't have had the same affect." I said winking with a smirk while he rolled his eyes. We got out of the tents. I said bye to my mom.

"Thalia you can keep the tents my dad hasn't used them um in a while." He said looking around, my mom nodded as we walked out of the cave. Stiles had all 3 bags and started running.
I caught up to him quickly then stopped.
"Were are we going?" I asked knowing this wasn't the direction of his house.
"I always stop by to see a friend." Was all he said and kept running. I ran with him then I saw we were at a hunters house.
The Argents.

"Um I'll just stay outside." I said kinda nervous because I didn't want to be there. They could hurt me. "No come with me, nothing will happen to you I promise. They're just people and I have everything I need to protect you." He said smiling while he patted the bags.

Stiles pov

I knew they were hunters and now I know why he never let me see what he hunted.
I knocked on the door but on the second knock Chris answered. I walked in with Derek behind me, but as soon as we were in he slammed Derek against a wall and pointed a gun to his face. Annoying. "Why are you here?" He asked Derek but got no answer. Stubborn..I like it, "Chris you will not harm Thalia or her children especially this one that I have brought with me. Then I'd have to do harm back to someone else in this house life for life so don't pull the trigger." I said in a steady voice.

He let Derek go. "You should have killed him." Gross it was Victoria. God I hate that women. She's  the actual devil.
"Hello Victoria, I have come to speak with Chris, privately. I mean no harm but if you do, it will end badly. That's only if you try to touch a Hale so don't." I said annoyance dripping off of every word.
"Follow me." Chris said and I did exactly that. We all walked into the same room.
"Stiles what the hell was that?! why did you save him?" He asked with such hatred in his words but I knew they weren't for me.

"I know why you brought me into the woods on a full moon now but this family is nice ." I said trying not to make it obvious that I knew him for a while but Derek wasn't paying attention.
"Okay so?" He asked looking at me
"Chris I am now the protector of the Hales. David died but before he did he told me where to find this box and when I opened it I would have the instinct to protect them all. He said it had to be me, I was close to them so I opened it. The reason why he died was because someone lit the house on fire. I saw her running away so I opened the box and threw a dagger at her head." I said hoping he would be okay with it.

"You didn't miss did you?" He asked with a monotone voice, "No." Was all I said he looked a little worried now. "What did she look like?" He asked me I shrugged, "Blonde, blue eyes, skin your color." I said hoping that would help. I watched him sigh "Was she wearing a necklace?" He asked, I nodded "It was sort of a pendant with a creature on it." I said kind of weirded out how he was asking the questions I only had answers to.

"That was my sister Kate Argent." He said quietly.. geez I don't see this ending well.
"But she violated the code. The code was we hunt those who hunt us, she could've killed little kids. She could have killed you, the Hales have really never done anything to us but we hunt them to know if they have killed." He said tearing up I have no empathy for him. Cara and Dale are innocent kids that could've died that night.

Derek was crying again whispering my fault over and over. I hugged him and whispered back "It's not, you know that. Don't blame yourself, you did good I promise." It helped after a while and I was glad it did. "Okay what did you come here for?" Argent asked and I looked at him knowingly. "I need things to put my stuff in so I can have it without anyone knowing." I said hoping he had something .

"Great i have just the person." He shook his head at me and I shrugged. I don't know why he was shaking his head.
Derek wasn't looking or paying attention because he had fallen asleep in a corner.
Chris was on the phone when a guy in makeup appeared. "Magnus, it's a pleasure to meet you." He said shaking my hand. Wow this man is another level of gorgeous.

Derek's pov

I wasn't exactly asleep but I wasn't awake ether. I didn't hear this guys name what I did here was, "This little guy looks tempting.. so tempting I could just take him right here." Jesus that's just no

Stiles pov

I was so shocked and yet grossed out. I didn't have a response, "I'm serious." He said smiling at me. I heard Derek growl kind of loud. I smiled a little, "Did he do that on purpose or is he just sleeping? Because if you're his then I understand. He can have you, he'd be lucky to." Magnus said I blushed because I knew for a fact I wasn't Derek's.

"I'm not his, I'm not Derek's ." I said calmly knowing it was true. That only got me another growl from him in response.
Magnus gave me what I wanted along with something else. "So I gave you this stuff. You can attach it to your sweater and put weapons on it. It will look like you have nothing there, when you do and I gave you this whip. It will wrap around your wrist the eyes are red, it's a snake. When you need to use it, it'll snake out of your wrist and into your hand." He said, that was awesome I think I really like the whip. "Thank you Magnus so much ." I said with excitement.
"My pleasure here's my phone number in case you need something else like this ." He said smiling I nodded.

Sorry I couldn't think of another name for a warlock hope that doesn't bother you ;)

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