✨Chapter 6: (outside the groupchat) ✨girls night✨

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This is a capter outside the groupchat. Just to let you know that in my "sneak peak" capter I said I maybe was going to do outside the groupchat capters. So here is the first one. And wanted to say that this girls night is like a sleepover!
Liza's pov: Yesterday we (Gabbie, Corinna, Kristen and I) decided we were going to have a girls night. It is going to be really fun. I am sadly needing to kick out David for a while. A/N: Wtf did I just write😂?? "DAVE" I shout. "Yes what it is" he asked. "Can you come over here" I asked. "Sure, coming" he responded. "Good" I say. I saw him walk out of the room. He came over to me and kissed me on my forehead before asking. "Yeah baby what was it" he asked. "I'm am so sorry to say that I need to kick you out for a while" I laugh a little. "But baby why, this is my house" he said started laughing. "Because me, Corinna, Gabbie and Kristen is going to have a girls night" I said laughing hard. "You silly girl" David said started tickling me. He didn't stop either. "DaVId I CAn'T BrEAtH" I screamed while laughing. He just smiled. "STOP" I screamed. When he finally stopped I was laying on the floor with my makeup all messed up from crying. "Ha you didn't like that" he said smiling. "No Dave you know I hate being tickled" I said getting up. "You look little messed up Liza" he said laughing. "No David is my makeup messed up now" I asked. "Hehe maybe" he looked at me smiling. I walk to the mirror and then turn around and say "And now I need to do my make up again" I say. I then walked passed David kiss him on the lips and whispered "it's okey it was funny". He just smiled at me. I got to our room and did my makeup and text the girls. I made a groupchat to only us 4.
Text conversations:
Liza: Hi! I did a groupchat to only us so we could chat together without the others.
Kristen: ok so when can we come?
Corinna: I need to do some things first! But I'll be done in an hour.
Gabbie: I have nothing to do so I can come anytime.
Liza: K! I thought 7 pm so Corinna can do that se needed to do first.
Kristen: Great! See you.
Gabbie: 👍🏻
Corinna: K! See you later baby!
Liza: Yeah, see you guys later❤️
Text conversation ends
Liza's pov: I got out to the living room to a letter.
Hi! Baby. Didn't want to interrupt you so I gave you a letter instead. Zane texted me and asked me if I could come over. So now I'm on my way to Zane's. I also asked if I could sleep there. And he said yes. So you girls could sleep at my house. Because if I could guess you were going to have kind of a sleepover! Love you bubba❤️
I love David. He is so sweet. I walk to the kitchen and got everything ready for girl night.
Gabbie's pov: I was on my way to David's house. Liza, me, Corinna and Kristen was going to have a girls night. I wonder if David is gonna be there. I mean it doesn't matter if he's there. So I lock my door and got down to my taxi. I said the location and then he drove me to there. Finally after like 2 million years I arrived to David's house. The taxi was expensive today guurl. I gave him the money and then knocked on the door. Liza opened it fast. "Omg hi Gabbie" Liza says hugging me. "Omg hi there, is Kristen and Corinna here" I asked. "Yes they are" Liza answered and let me in and closed the door behind me. I walk in and see Kristen and Corinna coming. "Omg hi guurls how you doing" I asked hugging them. "Great, how are you" they said. "Good thank you" I said. We walk to the movie room and in there it was popcorn, candy, drinks and everything you could imagine. I loved it. We sat down in the shairs. "So a little bird whispered in my ear saying these shairs have massage things" Corinna said giggling. "Yeah they do let me show you" Liza said. Liza punched some kind of buttom on the shairs side and it immediately started vibrating. "Ah" Corinna said. A/N: It's getting little sexual gurl, ya lil nasty😂!! "But Liza thank you for everything you've done, just look at everything" Kristen said. "No prob, I just bought something" Liza said. "Which movie should we watch" I asked. "OMG I KNOW...TWILIGHT" Kristen screamed. "You seriously still like that series" I asked. "Omg that's my life" Kristen answered. "Have you ever seen it before" Corinna asked me. "Yes hundreds of times, but I guess it's okey" I said. "Great, let's not waist any time and just watch it" Liza said. "WAIT" Corinna said. "What" Liza asked. "What should we do after the movie" Corinna asked. "Gurl we can take that after the movie" Gabbie said.
Time laps:
Kristen's pov: It's been like 4 hours and we still have 2 episodes left. "Hey, pause the movie" I said. Liza got up and paused the movie. "What is it" Gabbie asked. "We have been sitting here for 4 hours and it's starting to get boring" I said. "OMG FINALLY" Gabbie screamed. "Didn't you love Twilight" Liza asked. "Yeah I did but I can only watch movies for 2 hours or it gets boring" I said. "Well, since it's like 11:30 pm we can play some games" Liza said. "Yaaas that sound amazing" i said. We walked out from the movie room and decided to go outside on the back and play soccer. It's not my favorite thing to do but I like it when I play with my best friends. We shoot the ball to each other and laughed so hard. Then suddenly Liza tripped on the ball and fell on her face. We ran over to her. "Omg Liza are you okey" we asked. She rised her head and tears dropped from her. Then she screamed and laughed hard. We started laughing too. "HAHAHAHAH" we screamed. "Omg I can't breath that was so funny" liza said while tears dripping of her chin. She got up all dirty of the grass. "Girls just gotta go and change be right back" Liza said going in. We continue playing soccer and Liza came out with another pajamas. "How many pajamas do you have" Corinna asked shocked. "What? I only have 5, that's not much" Liza said. "NOT MUCH" Gabbie screamed. "I have literally 1 and a half" I said. "Wait...what's that half for" Liza asked looking confused. "I have one matching and then just a pair of pants" I said. "Okey, let's do something else now" Corinna said. "Like what Gabbie said. "Let's watch a mov-" Liza said getting cut of by me. "DON'T YOU DARE" I screamed while laughing. "Ha okey let's just go inside and see what we can find" Liza said going in. We walk in and look around. "OH I KNOW" Gabbie screamed. "What" I asked. "HIDE AND SEEK" Gabbie screamed again. "Yes okey" we Said. We hade a hard time choosing who would count. It took us about 10 minutes to choose. Because we "argued" about it for a while. After a while we decided that Corinna would count. "Okey count to 30" Gabbie said. "Okey, 1...2...3..." Corinna counted. We ran to hiding places. I hide under the bed. Liza in the washing machine and Gabbie in the shower. "30" Corinna screamed. I heard her walking in the bedroom where I was. She peeked her head under the bed and saw me. "FOUND YOU KRISTEN" Corinna screamed. "Ah dang it" I said laughing. "Let's go find the others" Corinna said. We walk out to the living room. Corinna looked under and behind everything. She then walked into the bathroom. "HA found you Gabbie" Corinna said. "Ah man" Gabbie said walking out of the shower. "But where the fuck can Liza be" Corinna said. She looked annoyed. "Haha Corinna why do you look so annoyed" I said laughing hard. "Because I wanna find her" she said. After like 20 Minutes Corinna decided to go and look in the washing machines. "OMG LIZA THERE YOU ARE" Corinna said. "Dude why did it take u so long to fine me" Liza asked laughed. "Seriously...you really don't know...u hide in the fucking washing machine...you are the smallest fucking human being that exists and I love it" Corinna said laughing a little. "Ha okey let's do another round" Liza said. We got out and did another round. Like 3 hours later we decided we are done. "Guys like can we watch tv and cuddle with each other" Gabbie asked. "Yes let's go to the couch" Liza said. We got to the couch and watched tv. That ended up we fell asleep 3 am.
Omg let's be honest 1550 words, that's pretty impressive. My new record! But seriously this is the worst thing I've ever written. It's so bad. Like I'm cringing reading by myself. Sry for the late update tho. School started today and I'm tiered. I'm writing this 9:30 pm and tomorrow is school...fuuugh. And I have some news my new Diza FanFiction is coming out soon! Goodnight from me byeeee👋🏻

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