✨Chapter 18 (outside the groupchat) ✨amusement park✨

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Today is an amusement park chapter. Why? Because I didn't have any ideas about the groupchat anymore so need to think about something after I'm done with this. In this capter Kristen, Carly, David, Todd, Erin, Corinna and Alex is going to the amusement park. Hope you enjoy reading it.
Corinna's pov: I woke up about 5 am this morning. Today we are going to the amusement park. Better get ready. I got up and made me some breakfast. I couldn't eat to much because then I will throw up in the middle of the rides. And I don't want that to happen. When I finished my breakfast I sat down and watched tv. Some time later I woke up. "Fuck" I thought to myself. The clock was 9 am. "I only have an hour to get there, and it takes me at least a good 20 minutes to get there whyyy" I said. We were supposed to meet at their house at 10 but it got changed. I rushed to my room and quickly got my makeup on, got dressed and packed everything that I needed for a day at the amusement park. "WHAT?? It's 9:30 am" I screamed. I grabbed my shoes and ran downstairs to my car and drove there.

Carly's pov: Erin and I got ready to go to the amusement park with some of our friends. "Erin we need to go" I said getting my shoes on. "Coming" Erin replied. We took everything and got down to our car and drove there. A while later we finally drove into the parking lot. It was a lot of cars. "How much was the tickets" Erin asked. "Hm..20 bucks per person" I said. "Then we have enough money for the tickets, food and other fun stuff" Erin said relaxing again. We parked and saw everybody except Corinna. "Hiii guys" we said getting out of the car. "So good to see ya" we said hugging everybody. "Where is Corinna" Erin asked. "Idk she said she fell asleep on her couch watching tv so she woke up 9 am" David said going in circles. Then Corinna's car came flying into the parking lot. She flew out of the car and ran to us. "Omg hi guys I'm fi-" Corinna stopped to take a breath. "I'm finally here" Corinna said taking big breaths. "Yes your finally here we have been waiting for you" Todd said and hugged her. Corinna hugged everybody and we walked over to buy tickets. "Hi how can I help you" the lady asked. "Hi we want to buy 7 tickets to ride everything how many times we want" Kristen said (A/N: actually don't know what those are called😂) "Yes that's gonna be a totally of 140 dollars" the lady said. We gave Kristen the money to pay and got our tickets. "Thanks have a nice day" the lady said. "You too" we all said. We stepped in and stopped at the closest place where you could buy drinks. "Well we got our drinks all empty and what ride are we gonna go on first" Alex asked. "That one" Todd said and pointed at a big rollercoaster. "Todd I think that we can start with the smaller rides and then go for the big ones at the end because it's longer queues" David said. "Yeah" we all agree. "Sure then" Todd said. "The car one looks fun" I said. "The first one to get there get to choose person first" I said and we all started running to it.

David's pov: "HA I was first you guys" I screamed and scared a little boy. "Dave" Kristen complained. "You scared that little boy" Erin said. "Haha sorry" I said and laughed. "Just choose" Corinna said. "I choose...hm...Alex" I said going over to him. "YES finally someone that picks me" Alex said hugging me. "Of course dude I choose you, you're my bestie" I said smiling. "Now let's go" Alex said and we didn't release that we were 7 so there's one left outside. But Kristen was so small that she fit between Carly and Erin in a car. "Woohoo" everybody shouted. After 2 minutes they stopped the cars and we needed to get of off them. "That was actually fun, it was a long time ago since I did these kinds of stuff" I said taking a deep breath. "I will not lie, i got a littler nervous at the beginning" Alex said and we all laughed. "Let's go to the area you could win stuff in" Todd said. We walked over there. It was a lot of people but it was absolutely worth the wait. We have the whole day to be here. Happily I'm gonna cuddle with Liza tonight. She's gonna sleep at my house and we are gonna have kind of a sleep over and watch a movie together. It's gonna be super fun. "This can we do" I said and payed the man. "Ahh" I said when I realized that I didn't win. "Better luck next time" Todd said laughing quiet. "Oh you wish" I said,smiled big and gave him a look that said I wasn't happy at all. We played some other games. "I WON" screamed Corinna. "I'M NOT SO USELESS THAT Y'ALL THINK" she screamed and people gave her a strange look. We just laughed. "Good job Corinna we" we all said and laughed. After a while we got tiered of playing. "Guys can we go on the big roller coasters now" Kristen and Todd asked. "Yeah we have already been here for about 3 hours and we have only been on 1 ride or if you can call it that" Alex said. "Yeah let's go guys" I said and we started to look around.

Alex's pov: "THAT looks fun guys" I said and everybody looked over to the big rollercoaster. It had a light turquoise color with some fun carts that had some decorations almost like it was too much. I wasn't really into how it looked but the ride would probably be fun since it was high and fast. And we all like that. "Cmon let's go on it" Erin said and we placed ourselves in the queue. It obviously was boring waiting since the queue felt like it was miles long. But we finally got there the seats was. "Oh yes you can sit 3 in one cart" Carly said since she was the first one to see the carts. "Well that was something new" Todd said. This time me and Corinna was going together. Then was Kristen, Carly and Erin going in another cart. And last was David and Todd that was going in another one. The cart started rolling and when it was rolling up Corinna was a little scared so she put her head on my shoulder. And I can admit it. I kinda liked it. We flew down and everybody screamed their hearts out. Well it felt like that for me and to hear everybody else scream like they got killed. "Wow guys that was amazing" Kristen said and took a deep breath. "I can agree with that" Todd said. After a couple of hours we started to get tiered of all this. The clock was about 6 pm and we still have YouTube to do. "Guys I'm tiered please can we go home" David said. "Yeah I still got work to do" Erin said. Before leaving we decided to get something to eat. Everybody ate except David because he was gonna eat with Liza later. We ate KFC. "Well it was fun being with y'all today" Kristen said when we said goodbye in the parking lot because everybody takes their own car. "Yeah it was great" Carly said and we hugged. "Bye" everybody said. We left and drove home.

Hi! So I've been gone for about a month I think. Sorry for that. The ending was really bad sorry. I'm publishing this in school right now between 2 lessons. See ya next time byeeee👋🏻

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