Prune Juice (Chapter Three)

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Kai's PoV
We were all still at the boring old hospital eating our McDonald's. I had already finished mine because 20 chicken nuggets aren't really a lot. I was currently waiting for something fun to happen but I guess I was shit out of luck. That was until I saw Alex leave the room and I knew where she was going. I got up and followed her and all I heard after I left was Cade saying to Logan, Nolan, and Maddi was "Someone go after them!" And Logan saying "There's no point, they won't listen to us!"

That's right, I wouldn't listen to those logical buzzkills.

So I just kept walking all the way to the senior floor. I was planning on entertaining them and when they were distracted go steal some cookies, but not the nasty chocolate chip ones, the really good sugary ones with strawberry icing drizzled over it. That was my main goal.

I reached the senior floor and did what any professional trouble maker would do.

Set a timer so I could lie to all the seniors that I had to go home, then on the way out, stuff my backpack(What? I didn't finish my homework that was due yesterday!) with those cookies.

I set the timer and quickly knocked on as many doors as possible. Once I knocked on every door the seniors all shuffled behind me into the room that had all the vending machines and stuff. The lounge, I think?

I quickly mapped out where the cookies are. I remember passing them and they were at the front desk, which was empty at these times. I pressed start on the timer and turned towards the seniors and clapped my hands.

"How should we start off today?" I suddenly got an idea. "Oh, teenagers, how impossible are they?!" I said dramatically, running my hands down my face and groaning in fake agony. I fell to my knees, then popped right back up. "Well, they're very impossible because I'm possible!" Most of the seniors got the joke but there were some that just looked at me like "Da fuq?" and I just smirked at them.

I told a couple more jokes and they loved them. But all of a sudden, Arthur turned on some classical music and they all started dancing. I just kind of swayed until they started doing a conga line. Now we were all jumping and pumping our fists, well I was jumping, they were just pumping their fists. All of a sudden, Petunia, a crazy, but energetic old woman walked through the crowd with the bowl of prune juice. She tripped over Norman's leg and the prune juice went flying and landed on, you guessed it... me.

"Oh I'm so sorry dear

"Wait why were you carrying the bowl of prune juice?"

"My cats don't wanna get wrinkly any more than I do..."

I didn't let this stop the party. I just kept dancing while they all looked at me in confusion. I kept going until my timer went off after a couple minutes of dancing alone. I knew that If I was gonna steal these cookies, it was now or never. But, I had faith in myself that I could do this.

And I did.

When I finished stealing the cookies I rushed to Tilly and Cade's room.

I opened the door with a huge grin on my face.

"Party on the senior floor again?" Alex asked the second I walked in.

"Yup, those shriveled old timers really know how to shimmy!" I cheered, shaking my backpack in the air, "Lemme guess, pudding again?"

"You know it..." She grinned

We laughed before my face turned into a frown as I caught a glimpse of Logan and Dr. Olive...

"What's that all about?" I asked, fairly annoyed by the pedophileyness.

"I don't know, but I intend to save him. Never leave a buddy behind."

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