Snowballs, Snowballs Everywhere (Chapter One)

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(Kai's POV)
I woke up this morning with my friend Alex sprawled across the floor in a burrito of blankets, sleeping. My phone, which was under my pillow, was vibrating madly. I turned it over to see my other friend, Logan, requesting to face time me.

"Alex! Wake up! Logan's wanting to face time." I yell at her. I chuck a pillow at her just in case she didn't hear me. When it hit her face, she groaned and ran a hand through her long brown hair and sighed.

Logan is our best friend. We all met in 2nd Grade and never grew apart. I love them more than my own family...

"This early in the morning?!" she groans in annoyance.

"It's 1 in the afternoon!" I yell at her.

"What? REALLY?!" she shoots up out of her blanket bed thing, I don't know. Alex was never much of a morning person...

I glare at her. "Ugh, get over here and take the phone!" and she does so.

When she answers we're greeted with this ear splitting scream. "NOLAN! CADE! GET OVER HERE YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!" Logan screamed over what I think is laughter. His normally fluffy blonde hair flatened with snow.

"Uh... Logan? Hi." I stammer. Logan was apparently having a snowball fight outside with Nolan and Cade, some of his other friends. They were always around. Both freaking annoying as it gets... But Logan hangs with them so we consider them life half-friends.

"Why are you calling? If your with your other friends then why are you calling us?" Alex asked.

"Kai? Alex? Oh! Hey Logan wants you two to come over and have a snow war with us! Bring one more friend with you, like Tillie or someone." I heard Cade say. He always had a crush on this girl. I roll my eyes and nod then Alex hangs up. "Well, let's go." I say and get my jacket, leggings, hat, gloves, and boots on.

When we're ready we tell my mom that we're going to Logan's to play in the snow. My mom for some reason trusts me with the car and tossed me the keys. Then we're on our way.


"ALEX!" I yelled as she dumped a bucket if snow on my head. "YOU'RE GONNA PAY!" and I scoop up some snow into the bucket and chase after her. She screams loudly in laughter as she runs. "Kai! You're EVIL!" she yelped. "OF COURSE SHE IS! SHE GETS REVENGE ANYWAY SHE CAN! I ALWAYS TOLD YOU, SHE'S EVIL!" Logan yells after Alex.

Alex stops to look at him. Then it's me chasing Alex and Alex chasing Logan. When Alex finally reaches Logan she jumps on his back and tackles him down with slight struggle considering that he is a bit taller than her. Then I dump the bucket of snow on them both.

Tillie, Nolan, and Cade stare at us after that like we just flipped off some five-year olds. "W-What?" We asked.

"That...was...AWESOME!" Cade and Tillie yelled at the same time. Tillie was madly blushing and Cade was rubbing the back of his neck with a slight shade of pink... time for embarrassments!

"Awwwwww!...." I said.

"I think we have a new ship!" Alex added.

Logan started laughing, "Leave them alone guys."

"Never. We have responsibilities, and if we fail to fufill those responsibilities of annoyance, then life is only a fraction of how fun it should be... And that is bad."Alex explained.

"Very well put Alex." I said.

"Thank you Kai." She responded.

We both looked back to where our friends were standing and there they were, with snowballs in hand.

"We are surrounded by snow. You guys know better than to give us another speech about your annoyance." Nolan said while shaking his head. He tuned back to the group and we started backing away quietly.

"Cade and Tillie take Kai, Nolan and I will get Alex." Said Logan.

That was when the conversation started to fade away because we had gotten so far away. Alex and I got a bit further into Logan's backyard then we split up to make it a bit harder for the couple of people running after us.

I could hear foot steps and a voice that sounded feminine. Probably Cade and Tillie. They are after me. Tillie got close enough to me that she could see me and then I heard her call for Cade. 


Cade was on the track team at our high school and is fairly fast from what I have seen and heard. He spotted me and began to run towards me. Tillie close behind.


"YOU'RE NOT INNOCENT! YOU'RE ANYTHING BUT THAT!" I hear Tillie yell from behind. I was proud of myself for out-running Cade. Or at least, I was until he caught up to me when I reached the next block not to far away. He was side-by-side with me and the only thing I thought to do was to turn back. I regretted that when I bumped into Tillie as I did.

"Oh c'mon guys! You wouldn't do this, right? I'm y-your friend!" No, no I wasn't. I just met these crazies!

To get out of this position I did the only thing I thought I could do.

I punched them both square in the nose.


(Two Hours Later)


"Hello- OH! L-Logan!" I answered my phone two hours after the snowball fight. Alex, who was chilling on the couch next to me, shifted over to look at my phone to see who I was facetiming.

"Kai! Tillie and Cade both have bruised noses now! They're all purple and swollen!" He shouted.

"Not even a hello?" I ask as Logan rolled his eyes.

"Fine, hi. But seriously, they're in the hospital right now getting X-rays. You should get here fast. Also, Nolan has someone he wants you to meet!" He said and hung up. "I guess we're going  to the doctor's office." I said and got up, got my mom's keys, and left with Alex to the hospital.


"Guys, this is Maddi! My girlfriend!" Nolan said. Maddi waved at us and smiled. "Are you a mute?" I ask. 


"Hush, Alex this is a hospital!" I snap back at her. 

"No, I'm not a mute. I'm really loud, actually."  Maddi said and then, out of the blue, started singing Cake by Flo Rida and 99 percent really loudly. 

"Okay, then!" And then Maddi and I had a nice conversation about how we both have no futures.

"No-Future Buddies!" She said and I repeated it back. 

"Well, I'm gonna go get some McDonald's. " Logan said. We all placed our orders and he left the room. I give Alex a quick sideways glance. "Let's go be creeps in the children's area!" I said and left Maddi and Nolan in the waiting room for buzzkill adults.

I immediately see Alex's eye's light up with joy and innocence(which I haven't seen in years) I follow her glance to a corner. Oh god. There's a stuffed Duck plush in the corner. "Please end my suffering..." I said. Okay, Alex can't control herself when she sees a plush. It's her thing to freak out when she sees fluffy things.

Alex screams and rushes over to the plush. I roll my eyes and back away slowly.

"I'm just gonna... go!" I said and ran away.


Heyo! @WhuzzupToasty here. This was fun to write! I just.. you know what? i have nothing else to say! Bye!

Kenoo out~

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