Happy Birthday (Chapter Two)

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(Alex's POV)

We were still at the hospital and had just been informed that both Tillie and Cade had broken noses and will have to stay overnight. Cade even got the doctor to let them share a room. Aww!

Logan had gone to get food from McDonalds. I got a 20 piece chicken nugget. Hooray for fast metabolism!

"We should face time him..." Kai said as she jumped onto the recliner next to Tillie's bed.

"Logan?" I said with a smirk, before sitting next to her on the arm of the chair.

"Of course, who else?" she said before grabbing her phone and turning it on.

Before long, I heard the ringing come from her phone signaling that she had called him, I looked over to see that he had answered.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU...." I started before anyone could say anything.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU..." Kai, joined in, adding to the annoying factor.


"Both of you shut up! I'm in the McDonald's line and you guys are being way too loud! There is an old lady glaring at me now!" he whisper yelled.

We both quietly giggled to ourselves.

We heard a muffled voice calling the next in line and then we were shoved into a pocket.

"Hey! Let us out!"

"Yeah, I wanna be free!"

Logan mumbled a quick 'shutup' and then the man working the cash register said "Excuse me?"

"Im sorry, that wasn't directed towards you." said Logan as he tried to cover up that there were two annoying girls in his pocket...

He places the orders then sits down at a table that I assume was close to the line and pulls out his phone.

"Really guys, not cool. Now not only did I get glared at by an old woman but by the man at the register too..." He sighed.

All of a sudden, A woman stood up from the table behind him and smacked him with her purse.

"I'm only 34!" Then, she just walked away.

Kai and I were laughing so hard we started crying and Logan just glared daggers at us. If looks could kill, we would both already be 6 feet under.

"Seriously! I'm done with you guys bye bye!" He said while ignoring our protests and hanging up.

"Sometimes, I'm not sure if we are his best friends anymore!" I cried while hugging the stuffed animal that I found in the children's area.

"Oh please. We are the best, and it don't get no better than us brutha..." Kai responded.

"What the crap did you just say?" I asked with a look of confusion plastered on my face.

She just sighed and grumbled something about how Logan better not take long cause she wants her chicken nuggets...


Logan showed up with our McDonald's about 20 minutes later....

"Where were you? It only takes 14 minutes to get here from ?" I asked...

"Yeah if you have some side chicks you need to tell us." Kai told him with a serious look on her face.

"Nah, I prefer to stick with my main chicks..." Logan stated without looking phased.

"Which is?" I asked. Inside I already knew the answer.

"You guys, of course..." he said with a smile. We all did our handshake and parted ways. Kai went to eat her McDonnys and possibly cause more mischief. Logan went to go check on Tilly and Cade. And I, being the genius I am, decided to go and steal some pudding....

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