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     Jae and I were currently sitting inside Starbucks drinking our chocolate chip frappe with white mocha. We were talking about how we just met Magcon. Our mums bought us tickets and we were so excited. it was honestly the most fun I've ever had.

     We stopped talking when we heard the little bell above the door go off. We both looked up and I couldn't believe who just walked in. Nash, Cam, Carter, Matt, Jack, and Jack walked into Starbucks. Somehow we were the only girls our age here. We looked at each other really surprised.

     "Holy shit. Is that Nash, Cam, Carter, Matt, Jack, and Jack?" I asked surprised. "Yeah?" She answered. "Holy fuck." I said back. They were up at the counter ordering their drinks and we were just watching them wide- eyed.

     When they were done they went to a table and sat down. "Hayley isn't going to believe this." I said. "She will if she saw them." She said with a devilish glint in her eye and I knew she was planning some ridiculous plan. "Hayley lives, like, an hour away. They're gunna be done before then." I said. "We're going to kidnap them." She said. She looked serious. I started laughing like a fucking madman and I looked around to see that Magcon was staring at me. I gave a small smile their way and Jack Gilinsky was smiling back. The rest of the boys had went back to their drinks and were laughing at each other.

     Jae waved a hand in my face and I stopped staring at Jack and Jae was looking at me weirdly. "Hello? Earth to Jess?" She said. "Yeah, I'm here. What?" I asked. "Who were you staring at?" She asked me. "Jack obviously. And I swear I saw him smile at me back." I said looking back at their table to find Jack smiling back at  me. "Which Jack?" She asked, bringing me out of my day dream. "Gilinsky." I responded. "You're insane. He obviously wasn't looking over here." She said taking a sip from her drink. "I'm crazy?!" I whisper yelled. "You're the person who suggested that we kidnap most of Magcon.:" I finished. "Are you in or not?" She asked. "I guess. But, this is a really fucking stupid idea. If the cops catch us, you kidnapped me too." I said. This obviously isn't going to end well.

     "So, here's the plan. We go over and say that we went to their show and make small talk. Then, we ask for a picture outside because the lighting in here is bad." She said. "They're not that stupid. The lighting is just fine." I replied. "Just shut up and follow my lead." She said and got up. I quickly got up and followed. She made her way over to their table and I stood behind her drinking my drink.

     "Hi, my friend I were just at your tour and let me just say, you guys are amazing." Jae said making small talk. I looked out from behind her to see that the boys were all looking at us. I looked at Jack and he was already smiling at me. "Thanks. That's really nice of you." Cameron said. "My pleasure." Jae said. "Hi, I'm Jack, what's your name?" Jack asked looking at me. "Jess." I said smiling. "Would it bother you if we took a picture with you outside because the lighting is terrible in here?" Jae asked. "Sure. Why not?" Jack said.

     We all walked outside and Jae took the picture on her phone right in front of her dad's car. Jae had to drive us in her dad's car because Jae fucked up her car. Jae's dad had a van because of his job. I don't know what her does and I think I'll keep it that way. Jae walked to the back of the van and opened it. She asked if they could give us a minute and for me to come here. "What?" I asked. "Okay, so, we have to somehow get six boys into the back of the van. How do you suppose we do that?" She asked. "This is your fucking crazy ass idea. You figure it out." I said in response. "Fine. No Jack Gilinsky for you." She said as I was walking back to the boys. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. "Okay, lets think. We could say that we have a big ass poster back here and we could ask them one by one to come back here and help us but when they come back here we grab that duct tape and tie them up." I said. "Damn. You must really want the dick." She said. I slapped her arm and went back to the boys.

     "Hey Jack, could you give us a hand with the poster we made?" I asked Jack Gilinsky. "Sure babe." He said and I pushed back a blush and we walked to the back of the van. "Where's the poster?" Jack asked confused. "I'm so sorry." I said and Jack just looked confused but before he could say anything Jae put the tape round his mouth and he was struggling against her but she somehow succeeded in tying him up. "Help me put him in the van." She said and I picked up his head and she got his feet and we put him in the van.

     We continued doing this until Carter was the only one left. "Guys? Did you guys get the poster yet?" He called and walked round to the van. Jae grabbed him and I picked up the tape. I put it around his mouth and then she helped me put it around his arms and feet. We put him in the back of the van with the others and Jack was giving me this sad look.

     I jumped into the back with them, like Jae said. She said that she didn't trust me driving the car and that one of us had to stay in the back to make sure they didn't try to escape. "Are we going to Hayley's?" I asked. "No. We're going to have tea with fucking Obama. Of course we're going to Hayley's." Jae said. "No need to be a bitch. I just helped you kidnap Magcon. Calm the fuck down." I said to her. I was sitting in the back of the van and my knees were pulled to my chin and I put my face in my hands. I looked at Jack and he was giving me the same look. "I'm sorry. She's fucking crazy. She made me." I whispered to them.

     We got to Hayley's and Jae killed the engine and turned around to face me and the boys. "I'm going to go get Hayley. Fuck, we forgot to take their phones. Get their phones." She said looking at me. "How the hell am I supposed to know where their phones are?" I asked. "Why don't you start with their pockets, dipshit." She said. "Obviously." I said starting to go through Jack's pockets to get his phone.

    When I had gotten all of their phones we waited about thirty seconds before the back of the van opened to reveal a smug looking Jae and a shocked Hayley. "Holy shit. You were serious. You actually fucking kidnapped Magcon." She said. "Get in." Jae said to Hayley and Hayley climbed in the back with me and Jae shut the doors behind her. Jae got back into the car and started the engine.

     "So, where the hell do we go now?" I asked like a smart ass.

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