Your Basement?

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     "Well, I don't know." Jae said from the front seat. "What the fuck? We need to like get out of here or the state, or something because someone's going to be looking for them!" I yelled from the back. "I didn't think this through." Jae said. "No shit, Sherlock." I replied. "So, you mean to tell me, that you two kidnapped Magcon and didn't think of stuff like 'Where are we going after?' or 'How the hell are we going to pull this off?'" Hayley asked from the passenger seat. "No." Jae and I replied in unison.

    "We can put them in my basement." Hayley said. "Are you serious?" I asked. "Dead." Hayley said. "Well, I mean it's the best we have right now." Jae said and turned the car around so we were heading back to Hayley's. "So, after we actually put them in your basement what do we do?" I asked. "I don't know! We haven't thought that far ahead!" Hayley yelled. I rolled my eyes and just looked over to see all of the boys looking at me. "This is a bad idea. Maybe we should you kinda just let them go?" I said, the last part coming out more as a question. All the boys had this hopeful look in their eyes. "Hell no! This is fucking Magcon we have in the back of my dad's van." Jae said. The hopeful look in the boys' eyes immediately vanished when those words left Jae's mouth.

     We pulled into the driveway and Jae killed the engine. "Okay. How the hell are we going to get them in the basement?" Hayley asked. "Well, one by one is an option." I said and Jae got out of the car and walked to the back and opened the doors. "Who first?" I asked. "Why don't we start with my bae, Carter?" Jae said smirking. Carter looked really worried. "I'm so sorry." I whispered to Carter as I helped Jae carry Carter out of the van and to Hayley's back door. Hayley stayed back and watched the boys. She was looking at Matt like he was a plate of delicious food and she hasn't eaten in weeks.

     We carried Carter to the back door, I opened it, and we walked into her house. "Don't hit his head off the fucking table!" I yelled to Jae as she walked close to Hayley's kitchen table and almost hitting Carter's head off the corner in the process. Carter had his eyes shut tight. We started walking down the stairs to Hayley's basement. "Do we just leave him on the floor?" I asked. "No. She has some fold out chairs over there." She said motioning behind me with her head. "Let's put him down and I'll grab the chair, you help him sit in it and I'll quickly go grab the tape from Hayley." I dictated and set Carter down. I grabbed the chair and unfolded it and set it down. Jae started to help Carter sit while ran up the stairs, taking two at a time.

     I ran outside out of breath. I ran up to where Hayley was sitting in the van with her feet hanging out staring at the sky. "Hayley, toss me the duct tape." I said and she threw the tape my way, I skillfully caught it and ran back in the house. I ran down the stairs and threw the tape at her. "Tape Carter to the chair, I'll get Hayley to help me carry someone else down." I said, and ran up the stairs once again.  I ran outside and ran over to the van. It looked like Hayley was having a conversation with Matt because her head was on his lap and she was talking. Matt looked over at me like Hayley was insane. "Hayley! What the fuck are you doing? Help me carry Jack to the basement." I instructed and she lifted her head off Matt's lap and asked, "Which one?" "Gilinsky." I replied and Hayley got out of the van and helped me carry Jack inside and to the basement. Jae was standing there talking to Carter, and she had already set up the other chairs. We set Jack on the chair and I gave him the 'I'm sorry' look as I taped him to the chair. Jae and Hayley went back up to get the next boy.

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