El Matador Del Mar

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Captain Armando Salazar also known as the El Matador Del Mar....The most feared captain out on the sea.
Salazar's goal to achieve in his life for now was to eliminate every single pirate... His past with pirates had not been that good... When Armando was about 9 years old his father had taken him for a nice evening sailing.. But it had turned into a nightmare for the young Salazar when suddenly pirates had boarded his father's ship killing every single one of the crew. The pirates had tried to kill Salazar but his father had saved him just in time.... But it didn't turn out so well for his father, pirates ripped him apart using swords and sharp blades to cut off his arms and legs while forcing Armando watch his father die in front of him. "There is no mercy." One pirate had said to the young Salazar who was left alone on the ship....

Salazar slowly walked up the stairs to the upper deck while looking at the sky, the sky was a bit grey.. It seemed like it could start raining hard. Salazar's crew was working hard on the deck, his crew... The most feared crew out on the seas, with their fearless officers, (except for Moss 😂)  and the fearless Lieutenant Lesaro, Salazar's most trusted crew mate and his best friend.
"Capítan... Where are we going to sail towards to?" Lesaro asked while walking to Salazar, his calm presence calmed down basicly everyone in the crew. Salazar looked into Lesaro's eye..
(Lesaro's other eye is covered in a eyepatch) "Let's just sail towards north and we will see what we can get from there." Salazar said and what he meant from getting something from there? He meant that they would get more pirates to kill... And that's what Salazar liked the most about him being the El Matador Del Mar. "The dead are going to take command of the sea...." Salazar growled while staring out at the ocean, literally the only thing /one/ who could calm him down for now was the ocean...
{ Sorry, it is a bit short for a start but i promise that this book is gonna have a lot of chapters to read! ❤️ }

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