Take a leap of faith and trust me...

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Salazar stared at his officer while breathing heavily. "You saw..... Us..." Salazar repeated while staring at Moss who was quite scared what could happen to him. "I... I ... Yes i did... My captain... I didn't obey your orders... Oh please captain spare my own dear life." Moss says while he kneels down. "Is he proposing?" Shansa asked causing Salazar to laugh. "What... WHAT NO!!! NO NO NO NO!" Moss shouts and gets up while staring angrily at Shansa causing her to giggle kindly. "Oh your officers are so funny Armando." Shansa says smiling while turning Salazar towards her to look into her eyes. "Yes... I like to tease Moss quite a lot, but others like Lesaro are quite the though ones." Salazar answered smiling slowly taking her hand before leading her to the upper deck.
Lesaro saw them and raised his eyebrow. "Capitán, you take a woman with us?" He asked curiously as the Silent Mary had never basicly had any women on the ship at all. "Yes, yes i do my lieutenant." Salazar said grinning, before continuing walking with Lesaro. "And she is not just a typical woman Lesaro... She is a sorceress... Which also can be really helpful for us to get this damn curse out of us." Salazar explained before ordering the whole crew back to the Silent Mary before he walked back to Shansa. "I can help you to climb up to the ship." Salazar said smiling while taking her hands and starting to walk towards their ship. "Alright... Now we just need to climb up." He says and helped Shansa to get up on the deck. They got back on the deck while Shansa looked around, the ship had some major damaged parts... 'i think that i can fix this sometime.' Shansa thought while looking at the crew of the Silent Mary. One of the crew men did not have any legs left, one had a huge hole on his stomach, their lieutenant's arm was kinda "exploded"... And they all had "cracked" / "broken" faces including their mighty captain.

Salazar looked at Shansa as she was staring at his crew. "Do you want to get to know who they are?" Salazar asked and Shansa nodded. "Yeah sure." She said and looked into Salazar's eyes who smiled kindly at her. "Alright, so this is Magda." Salazar started while pointing at a bit older man who barely had his legs left. "And this one is Santos, one of my favorites ." Salazar said smirking and nodded towards the man who was once a handsome young man. Shansa looked at Santos and nodded , that guy was not that bad looking compared to the older man next to him. "And well you know Moss already." Salazar says and looks down at Moss for a moment causing Moss to look away from them. "Don't be angry." Shansa says to Moss who just sighed. "Let's just let him be in peace for a moment." Salazar says and smiles gently before walking in front of a really muscular guy. "And this one is Chris." Salazar says. "Chris is one of the strongest ones on my ship." Salazar explained and Shansa nodded slowly. "And the others are working." Salazar says and took a glance at the sky as it was starting to turn into a night. "Just take a leap of faith and trust me... or us." Salazar says while looking straight into her eyes. "We will keep you safe on our ship." Salazar says and gently walked back into the captain's quarters with Shansa.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2017 ⏰

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