Are we not.... Human?

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It was starting to get cold at the evening when the huge warship sailed towards the north with it's crew, hungry for hunting pirates and killing them.
Salazar stared at his crew while they were working still on the deck. "Alright, guys.. It's time to stop for this night." Salazar said gently before walking to the wheel of his ship while using his sword as a cane. Lieutenant Lesaro, Officer Moss and Officer Santos slowly followed their captain. "Is.... Everything alright capítan?" Moss asked, this guy was quite  short (😂 Sorry not sorry) compared to the rest of the crew... Salazar slowly turned around to look at Moss who looked Salazar into his eyes before Salazar walked closer to Moss. 'Oh no, no, no, no, no, no!' Moss thought and started to walk backwards towards the railing of Silent Mary. Salazar raised his eyebrow when Moss backed away from him. "And where do you think that you are going? My little officer." Salazar smirks before Officer Santos, who is Moss's best friend forever started to push Moss back towards Salazar. "Armando is not going to hurt you, Moss." (We all know that it is a lie 😂)  Santos grinned at Moss while Lesaro stared at them. "Oh you two are so nice together." Lesaro said and gently punched Moss's shoulder. "Especially Santos is so fun with me...." Lesaro smirks gently while looking at Santos.  (BROMANCE LESARO X SANTOS)
Salazar looks at Lesaro and Santos, he was pretty disgusted about their "thing" together and he wasn't sure... How to react about it. "And now i'm finally going to answere your question Moss." Salazar started. "I'm fine, don't worry." He said before he heard a someone firing a cannon causing Salazar to turn around immediatly, he stared at another ship which was not a pirate ship causing him to grow curious... Why would these guys attack a ship like this? Salazar took a look at his crew, Moss was horrified, Santos was curious, and Lesaro was full of excitement...

"Let's board them now." Salazar said. "But... But capítan...." Moss started. "What if we die?" Moss asked. "O' good old Moss... You see.. We are not human anymore, we are ghosts." Salazar said and gently tapped Moss's shoulder. "Don't be afraid Moss." Salazar smirked while walking downstairs to the deck. "Who wants to go board them with me, Lesaro, Moss and Santos?" Salazar asked while the rest of the crew laughed evily. "Alright, i will pick one of you then." Salazar said and looked straight into Magda's eyes. "Magda comes with us." Salazar said while looking at Magda who walked to them.  "Let's go, it is really dark so they shouldn't be able to spot us that easily...." Salazar said before he jumped over the railing of his ship and ran towards the Brittish ship which had spotted the Silent Mary.
Salazar started to climb up the brittish ship while slowly taking a look at the deck. It was basicly full of brittish men. "A lot men to kill..." Salazar said grinning before Lesaro, Santos, Magda and Moss climbed up the ship behind their captain.
Salazar slowly and quietly stepped on the deck behind the red coats with hid crew, like seriously there was hell a lot of them... Salazar ordered his crew to split up around the ship before he walked behind one red coat and stabbed him through the man's back before ripping the man's arms off. (Salazar is doing this to everyone who he kills, he wants to remember always how his father died in front of his eyes when he was young) The other red coats turned around when they heard that someone killed one of them causing them to point their guns at Salazar who just laughed while Lesaro took couple of red coats from behind before he jumped over the railing with them... Lesaro slowly pushed the two red coats under the water before drowning them. Salazar slowly walked around the deck. "Stay back there or we will shoot you to death!" One red coat said in fear of this mighty spanish captain. "We capture pirates, and we will capture you too pirate!" The red coat said again causing Salazar to turn around to look at him, 'really? A pirate? Is that how you call everyone who you meet?' Salazar thought. "I'm NOT a PIRATE, and i never will be one." Salazar growled before he grabs the man and throwed him into the water for Lesaro to drown. Suddenly a one red coat shot Salazar in his chest causing Salazar to walk backwards before laughing. "You can't get rid of me that easily." He said smirking before taking his sword and tapping it fifteen times in a row causing, Magda, Santos and Moss to kill every red coat on the deck. Salazar laughed when he looked at the bodies laying on the deck before he started to walk to the lower deck, seeing some prisoners... One woman and 3 men. Salazar frowned a bit while looking at them, he stared at the woman.. Salazar thought that she was really beautiful but she looked like a witch or a sorceress....
[ Alright! I loved to write this chapter a lot! And i might even update the 3rd chapter today! 💗]

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