The Man Of Honor

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( A bit of "romance" between Shansa and Salazar)

Salazar stared at the witch in front of him causing him to raise his eyebrow a bit.. How had this witch gotten into this prison? Wasn't she strong enough to fight back? The witch looked at Salazar and his crew before she stood up gently, causing Salazar to walk closer to the cell where she was. One man started to panic when he saw what kind of man Salazar is. "Shhh, shhhh, shh..." Salazar whispered slowly before Magda killed the man, and Moss and Lesaro killed the other two men leaving the witch alone with their capítan. "No, no, no need to fear me... I always leave one person alive to tell the tale of us... The tale of the Dead Men...." Salazar said gently before he walked through the cell door into the cell where the witch was... Why wasn't the witch scared of him? Salazar frowned a bit. "You... You aren't scared of us?" He asked while taking a look at her. "No, of course not." The witch said while looking into Salazar's eyes, she was curious.. Isn't this the death himself?
"Aren't you the mighty spanish captain? The El Matador del mar... Capítan Salazar?" Witch asked. "Yes.... I am Armando Salazar." Salazar said. "And what's your name? You look like a sorceress....." Salazar asked before gently tapped her shoulder gently with his hand causing the witch to smile gently. "I'm Shansa... And yes, i am a sorceress." She answered smiling before pushing Salazar against the cell door... Causing Salazar to raise his eyebrow a bit. "Hmmmm....." He mumbled while his back was against the cell door causing Shansa to grin while leaning closer to Salazar... Having their lips just inches away from eachothers.... Salazar slowly wrapped his arms around Shansa's neck causing her to grin before Salazar turned them around slowly. "I want you.... To join my crew." Salazar said while staring at Shansa, 'really a sorceress would be a really good to have on your own side...' Salazar thought while looking at his hands. "I can offer you... Basicly everything." Salazar told Shansa who nodded slowly. "Hm... Maybe i could take that offer from you.... You El Matador Del Mar...." Shansa said and gently tapped Salazar's nose causing him to grin at her.

"Yeah.... I will take your offer..." Shansa said while dressing herself up. "I have heard that the dead are going to take command of the sea..." Shansa said before Salazar looked at her while smirking. "Oh yeah? Well the sea belongs to dead already." He answered before wrapping his arms around her body. "You are quite charming." Shansa said while staring into Salazar's eyes when moving closer to Salazar. "Really?" Salazar asked... 'did she just call me charming?' Salazar thought before frowning a bit.
"Shall we go to the upper deck of this horrible... Brittish ship?" Salazar asked gently before opening the cell door and walking out of the cell with Shansa. "I bet that my crew, is up there..." Salazar smirked before Shansa kissed him.. He was surprised a lot by that she would kiss him but he kissed back gently. Salazar was the first one to pull back before he saw that Moss walked behind one barrel. "And... What the hell are you doing here, Officer Moss?!" Salazar growled before stepping closer to Moss. "I.... I... I'm so sorry... Capítan... I really am....." Moss started. "You are sorry about what?" Salazar asked and raised his eyebrow a bit. "I... I saw you two.... Doing.... Well you know....." (😂 Right now i'm not even sorry at all 😂) Moss said , he was really scared about what his captain would do to him, would Salazar punish him? Would he beat him up now? Salazar stared at Moss. "You saw us........"
{ A bit shorter kind of small romance thing between Shansa and Salazar! }

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