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"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I have bad news." The doctor said. "Lilly's cancer is terminal. She has about 3 to 4 weeks left. There is nothing we can do for her anymore. I'm really sorry." And he left.

I never would have thought that my world could fall apart in just a few seconds. But it just did. My little sister was dying. I would only have a few weeks left with her. My little baby sister who was always so brave through this whole process was going to die.

It took we a while to realize I wasn't alone. My parents were standing next to me. I have never seen them crying like this. It wasn't just my world that fell apart, Lilly was their daughter. They just got told that they would have to burry one off their own daughters in a few weeks. No parent should have to go through that. That's why I hugged my mother and cried with her and dad. We needed each other right now more then ever. It was so unfair. Lilly was the sweetest little girl, always trying to cheer everyone up, always trying to keep everyone happy. She didn't deserve this. How are we going to tell this to her? She has been so brave trough all the chemo, all the needles, all the doctors, everything. I needed some fresh air. "I... I need some fresh air, mom, dad." I told my parents.

From the moment I was out he hospital doors I made a run for the woods next to the hospital. Over the months that Lilly was been treated here I came here often to cry. Lilly hasn't cried once. I was the crybaby and I wasn't even sick! I kept running until my lungs were burning and my legs couldn't take me any further which wasn't very far due to lack of condition. I wanted to scream but I was panting to heavy. I took me a while to catch my breath and then I started to cry again. I cried until I had no tears left. Why my sister? She is so young. She deserves better. Lilly is the kindest soul I know, she always wanted to help everyone. She didn't deserve this.

I stood up determined to make her remaining time with us the best. I was whipping the dried up tears away when I saw an older lady standing in front of me. Has she been standing there the whole time? I didn't hear or see her coming. She was looking at me with a kind smile on her wrinkly face.

"My dear child, what has you so heartbroken if I may ask?" There was no harm in telling her, she was probably just and old worried and friendly lady.

"Today I heard that my little sister will die in a few weeks because of her cancer." I told her.

"Oh dear, that's horrible news! But maybe I could help her?"

"How would you be able to help us?" Nobody could help us anymore.

"I can cure her." Maybe she was an old lady escaped from a crazy house? Or she has Alzheimers?

"That's impossible. The doctors have already tried everything."

"My dear child, those doctors don't know everything. I'm much more powerful. I only ask you a small favor. Off course I will heal your sister first and when you see she is actually healthy again I just want some help with something small." My curiosity made me stay.

"How would you be able to cure her?" I asked.

"Look for yourself my child." Without a warning she grabbed my arm, which I noticed was full of scratches from running through the woods. Her hand started to glow and I felt a little shock go through my arm. I was looking right at it and I still couldn't believe it, my arm looked flawless. Even the small scar I got when I was 5 and fell on some glass was gone. I was speechless.

"I'm a witch my dear, a very strong one. I can heal your sister but it will take a lot of energy from me. Tomorrow you will come back here so you can help me with one of my potions. Then you are free to go and your sister will have a long and happy life." She was speaking the truth, she convinced me. So even though somewhere I was still thinking this was all a dream I told her that I would come back tomorrow when my sister was cured.

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