Chapter 6

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I woke up early the next day. Probably because someone was knocking on my door and barged into the room afterwards.

"Wake up, little cat!" Someone yelled. I had no idea who this was. He must be a little older than me and was extremely handsome. Suddenly I realized he called me a little cat and growled at him in frustration. My cat was not little at all.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" I asked the handsome but annoying stranger.

"I'm Kalem, the alpha's son. My dad asked me to wake you up because he has some things he wants to discuss with you. You have 15 minutes before he expects you in his office." And gone was he. I groaned inwardly before I made my way out of the comfy bed. I took a really fast shower and hurriedly put on some clothes before I made my way downstairs. While I passed the kitchen I stole a sandwich from one of the plates that was probably laying there for the rest of the pack. Naturally they would have cooks who would make them breakfast. That's how most packs worked. Everyone had his own tasks and together they kept the pack going. The Alpha was their leader and the Beta was his right hand who helped him.

When I reached the Alpha's office I stuffed the last bit of the sandwich in my mouth and knocked on the door.

"Come in." I opened the door and saw that both the Alpha and his son, Kalem, were waiting for me. I stepped to the chair I sat in yesterday and took a seat. The chair was still extremely comfy. I still hadn't said anything. I was waiting until the Alpha told me what he wanted to discuss with me and why his son was here. They were both just looking at me if I was an alien or something. I felt akward under their gaze. I was relieved when the Alpha finally spoke.

"Aisla, I called you here to ask you a few things. If I'm right you have been wandering around the woods alone for some time, right?"

"Only a few months. I had to break ties with my family after the witch changed me."

"May I ask why she changed you?"

"I don't know why, but I can tell you how it happened." And so I told them. I told them everything. About my little sister Lily who was sick, how the witch cured her, how I accepted the deal, and how I changed. I told them everything the witch had told me, which wasn't much. The only thing that had any value for me was that she promised to come back in a year. I figured that I just had to survive a year and then she would change me back. I hoped that she just wanted me to be a werecat for a year to see if her little potion had actually worked. But deep down I knew that was false hope. If she didn't even knew if I would successfully change into a werecat than how would she be able to change me back?

After I was done telling them my story they both looked a little bit lost. Surprisingly Kalem was the first to speak up.

"How much do you know about what you are? About werecats?"

"Nothing to be honest." I was an unnerving truth. But in my defense I have only been a werecat for a few months. "But I heard a vampire talking about how he was happy that werecats went extinct, so I figured I'm the only one alive."

"You are indeed to only werecat alive." The Alpha told me. "To inform you, the last werecat was found dead 24 years ago. Werecats mostly kept to themselves and lived alone. They sought a partner when they were in heat and separated ways again. The females raised their young alone. There were a lot of different kinds of werecats. There were tigers, jaguars, leopards, cheetahs and some lions. Lions lived in a pride but they went extinct the first, about 37 years ago. May I ask which kind you are?" I didn't realize there were once so many like me.

"I'm a jaguar." The Alpha nodded and stood up from his chair. He went to his bookcase and took out a book. It was one of the old ones about werecats.

"Here," he said. "Read this when you have time. It will help you a great deal to understand your species. You have about 2 hours before Faye wakes up. I understood you made plans with her to hunt butterfly's?" He said with a kind smile.

"Yes we did." I answered. I couldn't believe he just gave me one of the books is so desired to read yesterday.

"Make sure she doesn't wander of again. I trust you to take care of her. If you prove to be trustworthy and loyal to our pack I will gladly make you a pack member if you want. We could offer you protection and you could start training your abilities." This all felt to good to be true.

"I would love to be a member of the pack!" I blurted out.

"Well then, it is settled. Go now and don't forget to eat a good breakfast. Faye can be very tiring to look after!" He laughed. His smile showed how much he loved his daughter. I had no doubt she was the little princess of the pack.

"Thank you so much for everything!" I said while picking up the book and heading to the kitchen to follow his advise. I was sure I had the biggest smile on my face. My life was working out. I started to feel hope that I found a place where I could belong. But first I had some reading to do. So that's what I did for the next two hours. 

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