Chapter 3

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"So what's your name?" She asked me.
"I'm Emily. And yours?"
"My name is Faye." Her name suited her to be honest. "Thank your for saving me."
"No problem Faye. What did those men want from you?" I was a little curious, rogues never take people for no reason. Mostly the reason is because they want to kill an Alpha or because they want money from them.
"My daddy is the Alpha of the pack but my brother will take over when he finds his mate." Like I already thought, an Alpha's daughter, her pack would have done anything to get her back safe.
"Oh, so they wanted to use you to get to your family. You really should be more careful." I know how protective Alphas are, if the rogues would have hurt her it would have meant a war.
"I know, but they barely ever let me out because of my 'safety'." She pouted. This is one stubborn girl. She probably drives her parents crazy at least ones a day.
"And they are right. What would have happened if I wasn't there?"

I obediently followed him while I was hoping he wouldn't kill me. I have seen how ruthless these wolves can be. When we entered the pack house the first thing I smelled was food. Delicious food. It made me realize that I haven't eaten a normal warm meal in months. I looked around at how luxurious this house was. It was massive! These wolves aren't poor at all! We made our way trough the hallway, made a turn to the left and at the end of the hallway I saw a door with 'alpha office' written on it. The Alpha opened the door and let me in. His office was big just like everything else in this house probably was. He sat down on one of those big office chairs that looked like it was even more expensive then the house itself. He made a gesture for me to take a seat in front of his desk. I sat down in one of the chairs. It felt like I was sitting on air. I never knew that wolves are this rich. I felt poor compared to them.

"So Aisla. You are currently in the Wild Fire pack and I'm the Alpha of this pack and Faye is my daughter. First I would like to tell you how grateful I am that you saved her. Could you tell me something more about what happened?" He asked.

"Well...Euhm I was sleeping when I woke up to the sound of growls so I went looking for the source. That's when I saw your daughter and some rogues. I couldn't just let them hurt her so I killed them and made sure Faye got home safe."

"How many rogues were there and do you remember where this happened?" He asked.

"There were 3 rogues and I do remember where it happened I think. We just walked a straight line from the rogues to here."

"Could you tell where exactly the rogues were so I can send some wolfs to verify your story." He showed me a map.

"Somewhere in this area." I said while pointing at a place on the map.

"Thanks you, I will mindlink my son to take some wolfs with him so they can search the area. In the mean time you can stay. You don't have to fear this pack although I do have some questions for you. I thought werecats went extinct years ago?" Wait I thought all werewolves hated werecats?

"It's a long story. I'm not a werecat by birth." I told him. "Why don't you hate werecats like everybody else?" I asked. I needed to know if he spoke the truth and I was somewhat curious.

"I never had any trouble with them. In fact one once saved my life. Is the werecat who changed you still alive?" This is going to be another shock.

"I wasn't changed by a werecat. A witch gave me a potion that changed me." I hope he doesn't hate witches.

"A witch you say?" I nodded. He looked shocked to hear that. Apparently it isn't normal for a witch to change random humans into a werecat. Who would have guessed that! Note the sarcasm. He stood up from his chair and started pacing his office while he was clearly deep in thought. I took that moment to take a good look around his office. Every wall was stocked with books. I tried to read some of the titles, most of them were about werewolves and their history. Then I saw a shelf with only books about vampires, one of them was named 'How to kill a vampire'. Was I lucky that I'm not a vampire. But what really got my interest were the books about werecats. I couldn't read the tittles very well because they looked extremely old and torn. I would need to take a closer look but I couldn't do that right now. I was still sitting on the very comfortable chair while the alpha was pacing his office. He didn't seem to care that this felt really awkward for me. He only looked up from his pacing when he heard my stomach growling. It wasn't my fault! I could still smell the food being prepared in the kitchen and it made me so hungry.

"When was the last time you ate?" He asked.

"Early this morning when I catched a rabbit." I told him. I had no idea how late it was right now, that could have been a while ago and a rabbit is to small to satisfy my stomach for a whole day.

"That was hours ago! It is almost time for dinner. I decided that you can stay here. But I think it is best if we didn't show you to the pack yet. My wife, the Luna, will show you to a room and we will bring you food. Tomorrow we can talk further about this." My stomach got very enthusiast when I heard that.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." The alpha said. The woman who walked in must be his wife.

"Hello Aisla I'm the Luna of this pack, I will show you a room for tonight." She said.

"I will see you tomorrow, Aisla. Don't leave your room without our permission. We don't want the news of a living werecat to spread the world." I nodded and followed the Luna.

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