Help Me

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  Star's POV

I have been here about 2 weeks I am very weak Toffee's guards beat me every day. I have cuts and bruises all over my body. I am starving Toffee gives me a slice of stale bread and water 2 times a day but that's it. I miss mom and papa. I miss my bed. I miss my Earth friends. Most of all I miss Marco. I can't cry much more. Why is this happening to me? Will

I die here? Will someone save me? "No one will save you princess." I glare at him because I can't talk aloud. Stop reading my mind toffee I thought. Ignore him think of marco, think of marco. "You think Marco misses you. Ha. Watch this. He holds his wand up and it shows Marco kissing Jackie. Then it shows mom and dad laughing. Mom never laughs I thought.

"It's because they are happy you are gone. You know you can stop all this just let your evil side win." I don't have a evil side I thought. " Yes you do everyone does some people just don't know it's there." No I will not. "Ok Princess. Also Marco will never love you he forgot about you." Stop. "Do you see him sad here. He loves Jackie Not you." STOP Please please just stop I begged in my head. Toffee just smirked and left. Help i thought and I fell into a very uneasy sleep.

Marco's POV

It has been 2 weeks since I have seen star I have called everyone who knows her.

I don't know her parents phone number so i just go to star's room and cry.

I cried for about ½ an hour when I heard a woman's voice.It was star's mom her face was on the mirror? Oh so that must be a Mewni thing.

Moon: Star are you there

Marco: hi Queen Moon

Moon: have you seen star

Marco: No i haven't seen her in 2 weeks Something is wrong I know it

Moon: Oh my where could she be!?!

Marco: I wish I knew

Moon: My army will see If she is here on Mewni

Marco: Ok i will keep looking here on earth.


Marco: bye

Moon's POV

Oh my god! Where is she?

Toffee: Hello Moon

Moon: Toffee!!

Toffee:Ah I see you heard about Star!

Moon:How did you- What did you do to her?!?!

Toffee: You will soon see bye *disaperres *

Moon: Guards gather anyone to fight Now!!! Magic mirror call Marco *calling Marco*

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