03: unrest

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When Yoongi dragged his ass out of bed the next day, having slept only for about three hours thanks to Hoseok's loud music, he put on some sweatpants, covering up the panties he had slept in. He didn't exactly expect Hoseok to see that and not tease him about it, and his mother? He didn't even wanna think about how she'd react. And that was disregarding Mr. Jung, whom he might also run into downstairs.

He put on the hoodie he had thrown on his floor late last night; it was too warm to sleep with on. Then he proceeded to walk over to his mirror. He had dark circles under his eyes (when didn't he, honestly?) and his hair was a mess. He grabbed a hairbrush and tried to tame the mint colored birds-nest on his head, but ended up making it worse, so he ran his hands through it and called it a day.

Walking down the stairs, he could hear the voice of his mother talking to someone. She had to have come home during the night, she worked late shifts at the hospital.

As Yoongi got to the foot of the stairs, he could see that she was talking to Hoseok's dad.

"Morning," he mumbled, as he walked past them

"Good morning, Yoongi," Hoseok's dad, Mr. Jung, said, warmly.

"Good morning, hon," His mother said, a hit of dismissiveness in her voice that only he could detect, and he should be immune to it by now, but he isn't. That hostility, like he's a stranger, it never left her voice when talking to him. It always leaves him with a bitter aftertaste, like he needs to shower after talking to her.

It had been like that for years, ever since Yoongi turned sixteen and decided to tell his mom what had been plaguing him for a long time. The two of them would tell each other everything, back then. Now they only exchanged crude remarks and superficial interactions. Only cause of those two words, that Yoongi only managed to get out with all the strength he had, because he thought she'd understand. That she'd be different from the stories he had read online.

But of course she wasn't. Their openness had ended on that day. They only talked as to put on a front for other people, Mr. Jung being one of them.

"You're up early." Mr. Jung said.

"It's hardly early, I should hope he'd be up now," His mother said, a false humor to her voice. Yoongi huffed under his breath as he walked through the kitchen.

Yoongi just wanted to eat breakfast, grab his things, and go over to Jeongguk and Taehyung's. Jeongguk and he had to do some planning for Taehyung's birthday which was only a few days away, it being the 27th of December, and Taehyung's birthday being on the 30th.

"Sweetheart?" he heard his mother call behind him, hoping to god that she didn't have too much to say. He turned to face her, humming in response. "Hmm?"

"We're having a little get-together in a few days, a pre-new-years party of sorts," she sounded disinterested, "you'll be here, right?" He was sure she was only asking him for two reasons; one, to look good in front of Mr. Jung (her boyfriend and living companion); and two, so she could get him to greet all his aunts and uncles. So she could look like she raised him well.

"What day was it?" He breathed out, hoping desperately for an excuse not to come.

"The 30th I believe," she looked to Mr. Jung for confirmation and he nodded.

"Oh, I can't." Yoongi said, trying to hide the relief washing over him and the smirk he so desperately wanted to show.

She looked stunned, "What do you mean you can't? Why not?

"That's Taehyung's birthday, I already have plans." He said and she sighed loudly, rolling her eyes.

"Honey, with all due respect," he could hear the malice in her tone, "you are not his boyfriend are you?"

i really hate jung hoseok (not)//yoonseokWhere stories live. Discover now